Nick Cannon Canned By ViacomCBS For Espousing Farrakhanesque Anti-Semitic BS – IOTW Report

Nick Cannon Canned By ViacomCBS For Espousing Farrakhanesque Anti-Semitic BS


TV host, actor, and rapper Nick Cannon drew fire over the weekend when a recent video of his radio show, Cannon’s Class, surfaced containing antisemitic rhetoric.

According to Forbes, the popular host of Fox’s The Masked Singer and former host of NBC’s America’s Got Talent “added fuel to the already simmering debate about the state of Black-Jewish relations in America.” ViacomCBS severed ties with Cannon on Tuesday after he refused to apologize for the antisemitic remarks. More

Update: Cannon keeps “Masked Singer” gig with Fox after apologizing profusely, Thursday. Here

Commedian / social commentator Nick Di Paolo shares his opinion on Cannon’s sudden career saving reversal.  Starts at the 11:27 mark (strong language warning) Watch

14 Comments on Nick Cannon Canned By ViacomCBS For Espousing Farrakhanesque Anti-Semitic BS

  1. Fox TV is owned by Disney (the same folks that own that rats nest of black racism ESPN) so don’t expect them to act in any way with integrity. I gather he also went off on whitey but didn’t give them an apology.

  2. There was a lady caller on Limbaugh today talking about how crazy her workplace has adopted the bizarre BLM worshipping, anti-American critical race theory and forcing down everyones’ throats.

    If she spoke out against them, she wouldn’t get the lenient treatment this piece of shit is getting.

    I know the feeling. This dumbass is getting support from the black community. But I’m getting the impression that there is a concerted push from Chief Diversity Officers all over the country pushing theories as bad or worse as those Cannon said and in the wake of these riots.

  3. Groupthink.
    I’m fairly certain that this POS will suffer little.
    He was just indiscreet enough to flutter some feathers.

    I remember once when “someone” made a serious asbestos event in the ceiling outside Henry Hyde’s office. All the “big dogs” were prancing in a circle declaring how “heads are gonna roll” and “someone’s gonna lose his job” over this. After much sound and fury the asbestos guys fixed the ceiling and that was that. Nobody got fired – Henry Hyde was satisfied – the ceiling looked good as new – and all those who inhaled the asbestos (recycled through the AC system) never knew it.

    Anti-Semitism is soooooo passe.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. @Cliche Guevara July 18, 2020 at 2:57 am

    > If she spoke out against them, she wouldn’t get the lenient treatment this piece of shit is getting.
    > I know the feeling. This dumbass is getting support from the black community.

    “Your” community’s response to their professional betters is, always, “Obey”.

    How’s that worked out fer ya?

  5. Here’s a suggestion, Google DuckDuckGo. Read what he actually said. Then thank conservatives, lesbians, feminists (all the distinctions without difference) for the general suffrage rule of law of general suffrage.

    Oh. And don’t forget there’s an election coming up. There’s always an election coming up. So, get out there! And vote! Because if you don’t vote for who the regime puts on the regime’s ballot, then what the regime does is your fault!

  6. What Beachmom said. Cannon spouted the most obscenely anti-white gibberish possible, but that is apparently just fine and not worth disapproval, as “white privilege” is now taught as a real thing. I am a white staunch supporter of Jews and Israel, but it is moments like this where I start to wonder if I am not getting any reciprocation, but the bottom of the bus instead.

  7. I believe that people can change their opinions over time. I know I have changed some of mine. However, to go from the virulent anti-semitic rant to a most sincerest apology because “Rabbis, community leaders and institutions” reached out to enlighten him in 3 days? Not buying the apology.

    And of course, that apology was enough to let him keep his gig on whatever that show is he works on. Let’s see anyone who speaks out about blacks or muslims or lgbtqxyz get that leniency.

  8. I have historically bit the hand that fed me. It didn’t hurt me too much until I was married and had a mortgage.

    Now, I could send screenshots, recordings and e-mails to anyone who would like to draw attention to the hostile work environment being promulgated by a well known company.

    Pick this as my hill to die on or I could just frag them from within. I’m not out to kill the goose when it’s some cowardly executives preening for social Justice points.


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