Even The Woke Eventually Fear The Guillotine – IOTW Report

Even The Woke Eventually Fear The Guillotine

National Review, By Victor Davis Hanson – The Jacobin Left is just now beginning to get edgy.

A few of its appeasers and abettors are becoming embarrassed by some of the outright racists and nihilists of BLM and the Maoists of Antifa — and their wannabe hangers-on who troll the Internet hoping to scalp some minor celebrity.

The woke rich too are worried over talk about substantial wealth, capital-gains, and income taxes, even though they have the resources to navigate around the legislation from their wink-and-nod brethren. Soon, even Hunter Biden and the Clintons could be checking in with their legal teams to see how much it will cost them to get around the Squad’s new tax plan.

The lines are thinning a bit for the guillotine. And the guillotiners are starting to panic as they glimpse faces of a restless mob always starved for something to top last night’s torching. Finally, even looters and arsonists get tired of doing the same old, same old each night. They get bored with the puerile bullhorn chants, the on-spec spray-paint defacement, and the petite fascists among them who hog the megaphones. For the lazy and bored, statue toppling — all of those ropes, those icky pry bars, those heavy sledgehammers, and so much pulling — becomes hard work, especially as the police, camera crews, and fisticuffs thin out on the ground. And the easy bronze and stone prey are now mostly rubble. Now it’s either the big, tough stuff like Mount Rushmore or the crazy targets like Lincoln and Frederick Douglass.

There are only so many ways for adult-adolescents to chant monotonously “Eat the Rich! Kill the Pigs! Black Lives Matter!” blah, blah, blah. And there are only so many Road Warrior Antifa ensembles of black hoodies, black masks, black pants, and black padding — before it all it ends up like just another shrill teachers’-union meeting in the school cafeteria or a prolonged adolescent Halloween prankster show.

Read it here.

h/t systemically confused

15 Comments on Even The Woke Eventually Fear The Guillotine

  1. In the mean time, the Brotherhood Of Private Guillotine Operators is sharpening their blades and preparing for a new season with an abundance of fresh product!

  2. “So the revolution is tiring, devouring its own, terrifying its enablers, embarrassing its abettors, and becoming worried that somewhere some courageous nobody might dare say, “You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?”

    The unhinged revolution is trying to make the U.S. into one big CHOP. Millions of Americans seem to be scrambling to avoid it, preferring instead to let the effort cannibalize itself at a safe distance — at least for now. ”

    The mobile guillotine didn’t end in France until some poor woman was put in one, who cried so much it made the assholes in the crowd feel horrible about themselves.

    Now, there’s the iGuillotine and there’s no crowd looking at the victim’s face, listening to her cry and protest her innocence. Shit, that bitch is toast, but if she’s white, she may agree she’s evil, too. lol.

    And the assholes outside burning shit, well, they’re not in the politicians’ personal spaces, yet. Right now, the elites are just smacking them on the nose with their hand fans and diverting them to the next pol’s ‘hood. It works for a while but they’ll come back. And then, they’re gonna need a bigger hand fan.

  3. Alinsky Rule 7: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.

    Endless riots and destruction have bored the children. The Tantrumists are wearing themselves out. And they’ve run out of things to destroy.

    August & September will be the suburbs.
    October will be a foray into rural communities.

    November they will attempt intimidation at the ballot box. In many voting precincts

    That means a little rest, then new, even more evil tactics are coming between now and Nov. 3rd.

    Be ready. Be vigilant. Gird your loins.

  4. Remember when we used to think cavemen were dumbasses and the people in the dark ages were brutal assholes? Well, here we are. Brutal dumbasses and assholes combined. But now we have iphones and women can vote.

  5. ” And they’ve run out of things to destroy. ”

    That’s why I’m hoping they go after the local politicians. So that voters with any sense can see their city councils and mayors squirm and capitulate and get tossed off a building. (you know, metaphorically) Because that’s how you get change in America. By watching what COULD happen to you, and then both sides of the uni-party saying, “oh hayell no!” Even though some of them are late to the party. 🙄

  6. The term ‘existential threat’ is over used and the word ‘existential’ is a five syllable word, so people like to throw it around to make themselves sound smart. But it means something.
    Leftists are a credible threat to this country’s very ‘existence’ and they are an internal threat that law enforcement will not engage.
    It’s a door stoop war at this point and we’ll soon find out about what the castle doctrine means.
    If someone invades my home with ill intent for me and my family, do I still have the right to protect my family?

    Not that I wouldn’t and suffer the consequences later.

    If Democrats lay a discivil battlefield and create an army, and invade my property, they will take heavy casualties.
    I will suffer anti constitution persecution later.

    God I hope that these people aren’t as crazy as they seem.

    There is no evidence to the contrary.

  7. The local Seattle news stations are clutching their collective pearls over the fact that the Trump Administration is to “blame” for the federal intervention in Portland. 56 days and counting of Antifa rioting in downtown Portland and the mayor and governor are doing zilch. It looks like a war zone. Reports are the Feds roam the town at night in unmarked cars and grab innocents as they burn, loot and destroy. Da horror! 😱

  8. Trump will be Napoleon and shut this ridiculous nonsense DOWN. This will garner him thousands if not millions of people SICK and TIRED of this moronic nonsense. If these fools try to take this to the suburbs they WILL be annihilated, we’re DONE with these fools.

    On a side note, the best and most terse takedown of Marxism and the best analysis of much of today’s problems can be found in Robert Heinlein’s ‘Starship Troopers’ starting (in my version) on page 95. It’s amazingly prescient and it’s observations are timeless.


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