Senate Judiciary Committee Releases FBI Briefing With Primary Sub-Source – Dossier Content Credibility Destroyed January 2017 – IOTW Report

Senate Judiciary Committee Releases FBI Briefing With Primary Sub-Source – Dossier Content Credibility Destroyed January 2017

Conservative Treehouse: Here we go… This release today dovetails nicely into a much bigger story about how the FISA application against Carter Page was weaponized by the leadership group within the DOJ, FBI and ultimately the Mueller probe. The Mueller team of resistance operatives were ultimately the team who took over the task of continuing the weaponization process.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham released today two recently declassified documents. [Thank You John Ratcliffe] The documents relate to how the intelligence apparatus conducted surveillance abuses against the Trump campaign in 2016; and ultimately the Trump administration after the inauguration.

The first document [Direct pdf here] is the Washington Field Office (WFO) FBI briefing summary of a three day interview with Chris Steele’s primary sub-source. The document is highly redacted, but we already know from the IG release what the total content of the briefing revealed. The first interview was conducted on January 12, 2017, during the transition period between administrations. The classification term “SIA” stands for Source Identifying Attribute.

Per Senator Lindsey Graham:

♦ This document not only demonstrates how unsubstantiated and unreliable the Steele dossier was, it shows that the FBI was on notice of the dossier’s credibility problems and sought two more FISA application renewals after gaining this awareness. KEEP READING

5 Comments on Senate Judiciary Committee Releases FBI Briefing With Primary Sub-Source – Dossier Content Credibility Destroyed January 2017

  1. Bla, bla, skippy bla-bla…

    This has been known for 4 fucking years now but ZERO indictments, ZERO charges filed, ZERO people going to jail for breaking tons of federal laws AND enacting a coup attempt publicly.

    But just like killary and her MANY crimes not a single traitorous anti-american cunt will go to jail for their actions.

    Barr is nothing but sessions 2.0 and his “cleaning up” the DOJ is an even bigger joke than when sessions did it.

  2. For most people the dossier credibility has been destroyed for quite some time.

    And for those that it hasn’t already been, this will probably make no difference and they will continue believing it.

    Ask Hillary and other Democrats and their leaders.

  3. U.S. Attorney John Durham’s staff has not been leaking any of these documents or emails. Everything that the Senate Judiciary Committee has released has been in Durham’s hands for months. Attorney General Barr is not in control of Durham’s Investigation. It’s an independent investigation, as it should be. Durham is our country’s best opportunity to get the truth about this criminal conspiracy to elect Hillary Rodham Clinton. Give him time to do the job.

  4. “Barr is nothing but sessions 2.0 and his “cleaning up” the DOJ is an even bigger joke than when sessions did it.”

    When I look at Trump appointing these people, I start wondering how much he really want’s the DOJ cleaned up.

  5. “Confirming” what we knew is something that should have
    been done before juries during trials for everything from
    lying under oath to treason. We should be seeing this on
    nationally televised trials of the perps exposing and then sentencing them so all can see that “justice” is not dead
    and this behavior will never happen again.


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