Babylon Bee: Man On Right Side Of History Surprised He Still Went To Hell – IOTW Report

Babylon Bee: Man On Right Side Of History Surprised He Still Went To Hell

HELL—Daryl Olson was very careful to only advocate for the most progressive politics and be an activist for all the popular new social justice causes and whatnot, so he was very surprised to find after he died that he went to hell.

“Well, this can’t be correct,” said Olson as he looked at the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. “I did everything right. I was an activist for all the good causes and screamed at all the bad people online — and sometimes in person.”

“I know, it’s crazy, right?” said Satan. “You were on the right side of history — all the history books will say so. To the world, you’re a really great guy.” More

6 Comments on Babylon Bee: Man On Right Side Of History Surprised He Still Went To Hell

  1. This is almost too real to be a Babylon Bee piece.

    I worry about how some people think, coming out of high school and college.

    I do teach both HS and college and I have seen this in a few of my students. Fortunately / unfortunately, I teach computers, so I do not have to deal with this thought process directly.

    I have found some HS students are truly thoughtful, despite how they are generally portrayed. I have also met some that fall on the lunatic side (obviously a personal statement). I only ask that you rationally support your thoughts.

    I am very lucky that almost half of my students can put together a thoughtful argument. I am not as concerned about those I disagree with who can make a coherent argument as I am with those who blindly accept any ideology. Even if they agree with me, I want them to think and support their biases.

  2. Didn’t Jesus say, “Don’t stand in public and virtue signal”?

    I second, read The Book while you can.

    For those who are not virtue signalers, it is not enough to be “good”. We all fall short.

  3. Trump needs to declare that anyone shooting or throwing shit at cops for any ’cause’ will be shot on sight. This includes anyone who even ‘thinks’ about doing it.

  4. “Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.”

    This is not the “pride” of … say … a guy who builds a really nice rocking chair and is “proud” of it – showing it off to his friends and relatives.
    This is the pride of one who cannot humble himself before the Lord.
    This is the pride of nihilism – the pride of those who believe that they know more, and are better judges, than God. They are jealous, thus hateful, of God. They are the self-righteous.
    These are also the vain. They deny God – they are the “atheists.”
    In their vanity and pride they aim to control not only the bodies, but the minds of all mankind.

    We see in this manner mostly socialists – Demonrats in our vernacular – but they are all around us – posing and skulking in many guises.
    By their words you will know them – and that is why they demand limitations on speech – so we cannot discern them from the mass – all speech becomes a cacophony – a symphony of noise.

    Sorry – sometimes I get carried away.

    izlamo delenda est …


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