France: Arson Suspected In Saint Pierre et Saint Paul Cathedral Fire – IOTW Report

France: Arson Suspected In Saint Pierre et Saint Paul Cathedral Fire


A fire at the cathedral in the French city of Nantes is believed to have been started deliberately, prosecutors say.

Three fires were started at the site and an investigation into suspected arson is under way, Prosecutor Pierre Sennes said.

The blaze destroyed stained glass windows and the grand organ at the Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul cathedral, which dates from the 15th Century.

It comes a year after the devastating fire at Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris.

But the local fire chief said the fire in Nantes had been contained and was “not a Notre-Dame scenario”. More

24 Comments on France: Arson Suspected In Saint Pierre et Saint Paul Cathedral Fire

  1. Can’t be muzzles, they’re too peaceful.

    First Notre Dame, now this. The frog politicians are cowards who should put up minarets and initiate the call to prayer in Paris to save time and money.

  2. Umm, yeah. Arson is always an option until proven otherwise. Naturally, it isn’t a Notre Dame-like incident. This cathedral wasn’t under reconstruction (as far as I know). I am still not ruling out that Notre Dame wasn’t arson, but just pointing out that there are differences that make the statement factual, but potentially misleading.

  3. …if these were BLACK churches could you even IMAGINE the cow-having, Trump-blaming, and city-killing rioting that would be going on now?

    …well, Black churches NOT in Africa set on fire by Muslims, that is…

  4. If mosques were being torched like churches are, the scum talking heads wouldn’t STFU. But Christians world wide under assault…crickets.

    And of course blame it on Trump.

  5. @ Supernightshade JULY 18, 2020 AT 1:23 PM

    Catholics have been targeted by the Democrats paramilitary wing the KKK since its inception.

    Oregon Governor Benjamin W. Olcott issued this 1922 executive proclamation in response to three assaults in southern Oregon perpetrated by members of the Medford klavern (a local organizational unit of the Ku Klux Klan). The first victim, a white piano salesman from Medford, was kidnapped and threatened with hanging, while the other two, a black man and a half-Mexican man (according to one account), were taken out into the country and terrorized with “necktie hangings,” that is, non-fatal lynchings.

    The Klan began organizing klaverns in Oregon in early 1921. The first klavern was formed in Medford; other active klaverns could also be found in Portland, Eugene, Astoria, Tillamook, Ashland, La Grande, and many other Oregon communities. By the end of 1922 the Oregon Voter counted fifty-eight klaverns across the state.

    The Oregon Klan focused most of their attention on Roman Catholics, who made up about 8 percent of the state’s population. In 1922, the Klan successfully backed a statewide ballot measure making it mandatory for children to attend public school, an attempt by the organization to shut down private Catholic schools. Federal courts later ruled the measure unconstitutional.

    The Klan also backed several candidates for local and statewide offices in the election of 1922, campaigns that were vigorously opposed by anti-Klan Oregonians. Despite this opposition, Olcott, the Republican incumbent, lost the gubernatorial race by a wide margin to Democrat Walter Pierce, who was endorsed by the Klan.

  6. Regardless of who did this (and “multiple points of origin” strongly suggest deliberation of intent) it is an attack against Christianity. Muslims, atheists, terrorists of various ideologies—they could have chosen a different target, like a municipal building, a high-profile museum, or any popular tourist destination. But they chose a Christian target. One in a string of hundreds (maybe thousands) across France and in other countries.

    NO Christian place of worship anywhere should consider itself immune from attack from now on.

  7. JDHasty JULY 18, 2020 AT 1:36 PM
    “@ Supernightshade JULY 18, 2020 AT 1:23 PM

    Catholics have been targeted by the Democrats paramilitary wing the KKK since its inception.”

    …not news to me. Family history. I was raised Catholic and my Great Grandmother was treated like absolute vermin because she dared come through Ellis from Ireland and ADMIT she was Catholic, with her German Catholic husband at her side with a very German family name. They moved to an Irish Catholic enclave in WVA where they gave rise to my grandfather, while now having had persecution by Democrats during the Great War for that German name added to the anti-Catholic hatred that put them (and many others) so much in fear of their life that they re-spelled it to avoid anti-German murderous hatreds that Democrats had feverishly whipped up though the land at the time alongside the anti-Catholic bias that had hounded them to WVA in the first place so his family wouldn’t get burned out and he could get work instead of thrown stones.

    I’m going to drop the story there to keep it from getting TOO personally identifiable, but you get the idea. Wherever my ancestors went, they faced hatred that Democrats had whipped up for political reasons that endangered their prospects, their housing, even their lives at times, for no reason other than their religion and their national origin. My ancestors weren’t even people to Democrats, just a convenient enemy du jour to hang as a Judas goat for the crowd in return for political power from the crowd.

    …sounds pretty familiar, heh? Seems the devil just has the same tricks and puts different names on them with a new generation, after wrecking the educational system so no one remembers…

  8. Ann Nonymous Prime JULY 18, 2020 AT 1:49 PM
    “…NO Christian place of worship anywhere should consider itself immune from attack from now on.”

    …That’s why we CCW in OUR church too, with our Pastor’s blessing, and certain code words that tell the congregation to drop so the sheepdogs can protect the shepard with a toothy crossfire over their heads and into the target whos expiring thought would be why am I the only one standing…

    …you have to think of these things, these days. Christ did NOT say Christians had to be suicidal…

    “35 And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing.

    36 Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one.

    37 For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, And he was reckoned among the transgressors: for the things concerning me have an end.

    38 And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.”
    Luke 22:35-38

  9. @SNS—

    “…certain CODE WORDS words that tell the congregation to DROP so the sheepdogs can protect the shepard with a toothy crossfire over their heads and into the target whos expiring thought would be why am I the only one standing…”

    EXCELLENT tactic! Will definitely pass that on to other prepared churches.

  10. “”When we arrive at a place where a fire has taken place, when you see three separate fire outbreaks, it’s a question of common sense, you open an investigation,” he said.”

    ..yup, that’s a “tell” right there. NORMAL accidental fires don’t have multiple points of origin, certainly not simultaneously. After the fire’s out you can see the staining from accelerants come back, and you can look at the patterns of how the fire burned and the way it spread and how QUICKLY it spread for further tells.

    Easy button accellerants like gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, etc., are surprisingly detectable even in burnt areas after the fire. There will be remants of any timing devices, and if the ol’ Molotov Cocktail were used, you’d be surprised how easy it is to still get a fingerprint off even a burned shard of glass…

    …I don’t doubt they will have any trouble establishing it was arson. I strongly suspect it won’t even be hard to find who did it. Probably someone taking CREDIT for it even as we speak.

    But it’s France, and it’s the Catholic Church.

    Neither the French Government nor the Church Government has any interest in pursuing this investigation to its logical conclusion, let ALONE actually PROSECUTE anyone from their Protected Class.

    And the international news media will bury it in ANY case.

    …this will be the LAST we hear of it.

    …until they burn it AGAIN…

  11. There was video of Notre Dame as the fire started – it looked like a flash, and made one think of wires sparking.

    But electronic cameras are more sensitive in the infrared than our eyes are. A small firebomb would look like a bright flash. point your TV remote at a cell phone camera to see how well IR shows up.

    Of course, the real proof of a cover-up in that case was when they announced that it wasn’t arson even before the fire was out

  12. Speaking of “unsolved” crimes, how about that time one? guy shot up a country music festival during the first year of Trump’s presidency. Remember how angry all the (D)irtbags were that year? Remember how flaky the cops acted about it?


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