Marco?… Dodo – IOTW Report

Marco?… Dodo

ht/ all too much

25 Comments on Marco?… Dodo

  1. What a jackhole! Never much cared for Little Marco, he will forever stay a sellout, since he was a member of the “gang of eight.

    The Repube’s will probably try running him again in 2024. Thanks, but no thanks

  2. Not that I’m defending Marco Rubio, but even black people have been making the same mistake all day on Twitter. 🤣
    They really do look alike- Maybe the fat, bald, angry look? lol

  3. I saw too many people idolizing Mr. Lewis today. Yes, his efforts for equality in the 60s are notable, but in elected office, he was a reliable leftist.

    He voted for impeachment, he would vote for almost all left-wing ideas. I heard the standard pablum on Fox today stating that he was always willing to reach across the aisle. Really? When?

    No, not a hero, but he did stand by his values, which is rare in elected office, unless you are on the left.

  4. Marco is as dumb as Joe + Jeb.

    10 years ago the Rove/Bush gang tried to push him as a conservative. He gave 1 of 2 GOP replies to GWB’s Acolyte’s S o t Union speech.
    First 45 sec remade 3 conservative position statements. Then in the next 5 min. he proved each of them was a “Compassionate Conservative” Lie. Right after each statement proving his opening was a lie he grabbed for the water with a “guilty” look! “Gulp”
    Conservatives tore this GWB liberal apart the next day. And marco WAS NO MORE.

  5. “After all these years in the Senate, it’s hard to believe Rubio didn’t evolve into a substantial leader.”

    The fact alone that he allowed his ass to be used as a prop by the other scumbags in the amnesty for all club just because his parents fled Coobah speaks volumes. Rubio will never be a substantial leader despite being groomed for another run in ’24

  6. Lewis and Cummings are dead pieces of shit – inarguably.

    But Rubio didn’t have to do ANYTHING!
    Totally unforced imbecility.

    “T’is better to be silent and thought a fool than to speak (twit) and remove all doubt.”

    izlamo delenda est …

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