Michael Avenatti ‘does not have funds to pay counsel’ ahead of criminal trials – IOTW Report

Michael Avenatti ‘does not have funds to pay counsel’ ahead of criminal trials

WaExaminer: Attorneys for Michael Avenatti revealed that the lawyer can no longer afford his legal counsel ahead of his criminal trials set to take place later this year.

Lawyer Dean Steward filed a motion in federal court on Saturday asking the judge to approve taxpayer funding to stay on as Avenatti’s attorney under regulations that assist indigent clients. Steward argued that receiving taxpayer funding would be a cheaper alternative for the federal government than having Avenatti switch to a public defender, who would have to restart the cases.

“The bottom line is that Mr. Avenatti has run out of funds, and faces a complex trial lasting as long as six weeks,” Steward wrote. more

21 Comments on Michael Avenatti ‘does not have funds to pay counsel’ ahead of criminal trials

  1. This guy is so full of ‘obama’ that he can’t tell his anus from his mouth when he craps.

    Lock him up and throw away the key.

    Biden-Avenetti in 2020!

  2. Uh hell no. He can get a public defender like anyone else broke. Taxpayers shouldn’t have to foot the bill for this loser to have a top notch defense. He is going down anyway, federal cases are 98% or more won by prosecution.

  3. He hasn’t filed a single tax return since 2009 so who knows how much money he has or where it’s hidden. I’d love to read the financial disclosure he’ll have to submit to qualify for a public defender.

  4. Just remember this is the filthy piece of busted-ass shit that the Complicit Bought & Paid For, Knee-Pad Media and Hollywood Liberals were slobbering all over!!
    Tells ya everything you need to know about ’em doesn’t it?

  5. The government uses your unlimited tax money to prosecute you, and you need to pay out-of-pocket for your own defense, even if you are innocent.

    I say, if the government is going to charge you with anything, they are also on the hook for your legal bills. Loser pays.


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