Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops – IOTW Report

Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops


On Saturday evening, two groups of antifa and Black Lives Matter rioters terrorized Portland, squaring off against police and federal troops. One group attacked the Portland Police Bureau’s North Precinct and the Portland Police Association (PPA) — the police union — while the other group targeted the federal courthouse and Justice Center, returning to set yet another bonfire at the ruins of the elk statue nearby. Antifa broke into the PPA and set it on fire. Before the violence began on this 51st day of unrest in Portland, Mayor Ted Wheeler (D-Portland) decided to hamstring federal troops, aiming to prevent local law enforcement from teaming up with them.

According to a police report, an angry crowd first marched to the Portland Police North Precinct at around 8:35 p.m., blocking the streets as they went. “Some people tampered with gates, broke patrol vehicle windows, and vandalized patrol vehicles. People taunted officers as they arrived to work,” the police reported. The crowd blocked streets around the precinct.

17 Comments on Antifa Rioters Break Into Portland Police Union and Set It on Fire as Mayor Hamstrings Federal Troops

  1. Seattle is having a riot too right now- and the sun hasn’t set yet. Twelve officers injured. Windows busted out at Macy’s, Amazon Go, Starbucks. They set a fire at the East Precinct with a incendiary device and set fire to a Starbucks that is below a condo/apartment building.

    So. There ya have it.
    The night is young. 🤦🏼‍♀️

  2. Illustr8r, you’re right, 12 officers injured. 2 perps arrested. There should be a few hundred arrested! Bus them to eastern Washington, and put them in tents while they wait for their court date.

  3. mayor of Portland, yes you! you break it you buy it! Don’t even think about asking for federal funds to clean up your mess.

    I’m completely bloody sick of this… how many days till the first Tuesday in November?

  4. Seattle vs. Portland

    Let’s get ready to R U M B L E !!

    It’s now a competition to see which city can sustain the most damage while doing nothing to stop it. Seattle has a ways to go, but, hey, give us a few days! When we wreck things up here, nobody can touch us!

  5. Well, I’m sure we’ve all been paying more than our fair share of taxes to provide our ‘leaders’ with the necessary manpower and equipment to contain such outbreaks.

    I’m thinking it’s completely out of my hands and the outcome will sit entirely at their feet.

    On the other hand,if they can’t handle it they should step down and allow us patriots to take the reins.

  6. Portlanders set this stage. Now they must enjoy their play.
    The $600.00 a week Federal fun money is ending, the bread is going to get thin on the ground and the circus won’t be as much fun without it. Applaude your show while you still can.

  7. Would be epic if these ‘protestors’ met a few IED’s along their ‘peaceful’ marches that someone just ‘accidently’ left along the route.

  8. There are many recipes for improvised M18A1s out there. At some point some hyper pissed off shop owner who feels they have nothing to lose is going to have their store or other property booby trapped and it is going to be a bloodbath. It is not sane for government to let things get to this point.

  9. Joe6pak, my youngest brother sarcastically said to me the other day that we need to ship all these assholes to the Hanford nuclear reservation down around the Tri Cities in the most godforsaken part of Wash. state. And I agree and let them drink all the contaminated radioactive water as well.

  10. I know there are regulations against deploying regular military troops (ie; US Army as opposed to National Guard) within the US Borders, but at this point we need to consider areas like Portland to be under foreign occupation and take it back by force if need be!

    Hell, one Tomahawk launched from a submerged SSN off the coast would probably be enough to break their will!

  11. @Peter

    Can’t the federal gov’t announce martial law in any part of the US where there is rioting and destruction of federal property? That has happened in Portland.

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