Why the name of every NFL team is offensive and must be changed – IOTW Report

Why the name of every NFL team is offensive and must be changed

So the Washington Redskins are no more. We don’t know what they’re going to be called, but the team has caved to the woke pressure of its corporate sponsors, er, we mean embraced cultural sensitivity, and will no longer embrace its offensive, racist name.

But this is just the start. The truth is that every team nickname in the NFL is offensive. If you haven’t realized this, you are clearly part of the problem, but we are here to help. We will explain, division by division, why the NFL has 31 name-changes to go before it can be spared cancellation:


Minnesota Vikings: White European marauders who pillaged their way across the world? With blond hair? They’re practically Aryans.

Chicago Bears: The Bear was the longtime symbol of the Soviet Union. The Soviet Union has not existed for 29 years, but Russia does. The political left loved Russia until they got the idea Donald Trump loves Russia (which is garbage, but whatever), so now they hate it. No team can be named after the former symbol of a defunct country whose successor the left thinks Donald Trump loves. MORE HERE

18 Comments on Why the name of every NFL team is offensive and must be changed

  1. Who dreams this shit up? Who decides something this trivial has to be in the news? Why is this subject carried on every single channel 24/7? Isn’t 5 weeks already a bit much? Who the hell keeps the pot stirred? Why? Could it have anything to do with Trump/Russia unraveling?

  2. I’m offended by football, itself.
    Foot + Balls have no business together – or Knee + Balls – it’s inherently racist, sexist, demeaning, and … uhh … ecologically unfriendly … or sumthin …

    Capitalist! Yeah, that’s the ticket! And izlamo-phobic! Not many ragheads in the NFL.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Next – MLB. Braves – offensive to LGBTQ brave suckers. Phillies – offensive to vegans that loathe phillie steak sammiches. Royals – offensive to peasants and peons. Angels – offensive to satanists. Dodgers – offensive to Vietnam war hating hippies. Diamondbacks – offensive to church going snake handlers….etc…..etc…..

  4. I don’t care what they call themselves, they’re all sell outs.

    Haven’t watched since Kaperstink knelt and many fools followed and I have no desire to watch pampered, oppressed, Anti-American Felons play in the future.

  5. “Do black people want to go back to segregation”

    do they want to ? heck of course they do just look at them, they already self segregate.
    the congressional black caucus
    black only dorms at colleges
    black only safe spaces
    the list goes on and on.

  6. Arizona Cardinals — named after a Midwestern bird that would die of heat stroke after three hours in Phoenix summer heat. What does that have to do with Arizona?

    Also, least aggressive mascot ever. Did you ever hear anyone say, “Normally I’m the most mild mannered guy in the world … that is, until I don that Cardinal Red and Creme jersey (color scheme for an ice cream parlor) and that helmet with the “pretty bird’s head” on it

    Yeah, that just drives you to do what? … Peck at a bowl of birdseed? Scratch the ground looking for worms? No wonder the Cardinals suck 80% of the time


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