Heller Weighing Another D.C. Gun Suit – IOTW Report

Heller Weighing Another D.C. Gun Suit


DC police blame ‘unprecedented demand’ for months-long waits on handgun transfers.

The man at the center of a landmark Supreme Court ruling that struck down major gun-control laws may be back in court to challenge Washington, D.C.’s handling of Second Amendment rights.

Dick Heller, whose lawsuit led the Supreme Court to declare blanket handgun bans unconstitutional, told the Washington Free Beacon that he may sue the city for hindering his right to bear arms in the face of long wait times for purchases.

Heller has been waiting since mid-April for police to process a transfer for a .32 caliber handgun he purchased in Pennsylvania. He accused city authorities of dragging their feet.

“It’s a bureaucracy and they’re understaffed,” Heller told the Free Beacon. “They couldn’t care less. They are noticeably not in a hurry.” more

5 Comments on Heller Weighing Another D.C. Gun Suit

  1. It was impossible for me to get a gun Permit when I lived in NYC…two years after starting, the three friends who would sign an affidavit as to my character and who must have known me for five years minimum were notified four days before the process and one had moved, the other was in Mexico on business and the replacement friend to cover for the one who moved had not yet been approved. In the third year, the first affidavit was sought at 11 AM and , having taken half a day off, was still waiting at 3PM…I gave up. Cars are Registered, why not guns ? Now we know.


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