Would you be offended? – IOTW Report

Would you be offended?

48 Comments on Would you be offended?

  1. Aaron, it’s undeniable he got good results. But 6 different programs, all he did is chase the bigger paycheck. He never cared about the program he represented or the kids he recruited. I don’t like him.

    So, do we need to put in an email address from now on? Hell, I don’t have time for my name half the time.

  2. That is quite literally almost every Mexican restaurant I know of.

    I go to a place called Pancho Villa whose mascot is a gordo representation of their namesake wearing a bandolero and smiling with a gold tooth.

    Don’t ask me about the soul food restaurants.

  3. Well, my Dad’s name was Luigi!!! And my sisters are Theresa & Gina. Last name ends in an “i” so I’m a proud Italian American!!! Offended – no way. I’m with MJA – I want an Italian Ice! We had the best in the Bronx bakeries and still do. Lily with Almonds is my favorite. Only Bronxites would know it!!

    God Bless us all!!

  4. hey! at’s a matta fo you? … ah, vaffanculo

    seriously, my granddad Rizzo had cousins in the Mafia …. I ain’t offended

    but, hey … done push it … know wad I’m sayin’?

  5. I have wished to be an honorary Italian, who speaks a little of la lingua. Ho abitato nel italia per 2+ anni. Prossima tre anni.

    I loved italy and its people.

    And they were gracious, if not confused, about my bad italian. Pesce is fish. Pesche is peach. For instance.
    Tricky. And the source of some laughter. N

    But I tried.

  6. Frankly, I want to know when frijoles negros are going to be renamed. In fact, I’m wondering when the whole “Latinos-speaking-Spanish-the-language-of-the-conquistadors” is going to be cancelled. But lets start with the color “black” in Spanish for starters. Absolutely offensive. Gotta change it!

  7. Does anyone remember Ant-nee from Prince Speghetti Day in the North End of Boston fame? It may have been one of the best commercials produced? Down to the OLD guys playing boce @0:30.


    @MJA – thanks for the reminder on the logo, as we grew up on Italian Ices from the ice cream truck in the Projects.

    Those HOT summer afternoons, with the REAL frozen part on the bottom.

    @ Erik – okay so they ‘laid’ down, we get that! Still? We make a killer pasta fageoli…

    And Michelangelo, Bramante and Da Vinci were Italianos, nuff said.


  8. overheard this one day …

    well, firsta Emma comes
    den, I come
    den, Essa come twice!
    den, I come again
    Essa come twice again!
    den, I Pee Pee
    an I come one last time

    … he was taking his citizenship test and was asked to spell a certain southern state

  9. Hell yes, I’m offended—

    I’m offended at all the BULLSHIT being tossed around from a minority of ignorant, dick-licking asswipes.

    WHERE THE HELL is their license to even attempt an assault against America and all that we stand for.

    The very best they can say is; ‘freedom of speech’.
    They ARE in FACT using our liberties against us.
    It’s time we retrieve those rights from anti-Americans, they were NEVER meant for the benefit of anti-American ASSHOLES.

  10. Molon — That’s pretty funny. Never heard that one before.

    Norwegians never get anything named after them, offensive or otherwise. I’m very offended by that.

  11. @mja. I have a recipe for limoncello from a friend in
    pozzuouli. Requires pure alcohol 95%.
    It’ll grab you by the bobo.

    I haven’t made in years.

    My bobo got tired.

  12. What I’m offended by is a story Politico just dropped tonight attempting to rehabilitate Andrew Gillum.

    It has been less than three months since he was adulterously busted in a hotel with a crystal meth overdose gay escort/porn actor but it’s all good now and he’s ready to get back to work. In 2 months in 28 days, he’s gone to rehab, a therapist for depression and has experienced tremendous personal growth.

    On his wife, quote she “knows what I am and knows what I am not,” Andrew Gillum said. “She chooses to love me anyhow.”

    Which I interpret as she’s his beard and knows that sucking AIDS dicks is how he gets his jollies. There was no comment thread.

    We now return to Democrats trying to make him the next Governor of Florida after this unbelievably surface level image rehab.


  13. @ Miss Conduct JULY 20, 2020 AT 9:28 PM

    He was a very nice guy. When he was stationed at Ft Lewis he used to treat everyone like family. Just a heck of a nice guy. In the mid 70s he was 9th ID Commander IIRC

    I measured him for BDU caps around 1982. He couldn’t wear a cap from stock. I think he had the biggest head I ever put a tape around. My boss was nervous as heck and gave me all sorts of orders about everything. He was visiting from the Pentagon I think. Everything got pretty loose, I was friends with a bird colonial’s son and the colonial was a good friend of General Schwartzkopf I knew him a bit. I got to know General Schwarzkopf kind of well in the mid 70s because we both volunteered to shoot birds for field trials and were in the same blind quite a few times. If you spend the day in a blind with someone you get to chat quite a bit. One guy tosses the ducks and the other shoots for a while and then you swap places. It’s mostly sitting and chatting though.

    He came back to Ft Lewis as I Corps Commander in the mid 80s and every body welcomed him back and to this day remembers him with fondness.

  14. I grew up in the southern part of Beaumont, Texas. The area was known as South Park. A section of South Park was known as Dago Alley. It’s where a large community of Italian-Americans settled down when they immigrated to America through Galveston. They named it that and were proud of it. Our high school was very diverse and had many students of Italian heritage within our ranks. There were Lombardos, Lomontes, Zambardinos, Sachitanios, Campisis, Orlandos, Kapos, Tallaritas, Brocatos, Dattalos, Gallios, Gallos, Merendinos, Perronis, Trevinos and so forth. The rest of the student body was made up of Cajun French, Latinos, African-Americans, German, Asian, English and just about everything else. We all got along pretty darn well and I don’t remember any tension between any of these sub-groups. We were all something after all and we all seemed to get along. My best friend ever was one of the Italian-Americans on this list. We grew up three houses away from one another. I never thought of him as anything other than my best friend. Why would I? His parents were almost like my parents. I went to see him the other day. He’s in need of a new liver and he and I really enjoy talking about the time we spent growing up together. I wish kids today got along the way we did back then.

  15. I survived 3 wars before I legally immigrated 25 years ago to the greatest country in the world. Some of us seen war and socialism first hand. The original cancel culture. We have seen this all.
    It would take a lot more than just a simple logo to offend me.
    Disrespecting the anthem and the flag would, attacking children and women, the elderly, rioting, looting and burning public and private property just because you are “protesting racism” does it for me.
    Taking away rights form law abiding citizens, taking away their 1st amendment rights, 2nd amendment rights just because some idiot snowflake is triggered is what actually offends me.
    This is the greatest country God ever gave us. For me, there is no other place to go. I will defend this country with all I have.
    God bless America.
    If anyone does not like it, they should stop being parasites and hypocrites and leave.
    I’ll help them pack.

  16. @Tim Buktu: That’s pretty good. My favorite Italian comment is one I heard many years ago. The speaker described a very vain, egotistical woman as follows: “She thinks she sits on the toilet and makes the candy”.



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