Opportunity Knocked – IOTW Report

Opportunity Knocked

ht/ jethro

I’m sure ABC just loved this.

16 Comments on Opportunity Knocked

  1. The nihilists are already setting up the extensive vote fraud.
    They tipped their hands this week crying about how President Trump won’t leave “when” he’s “defeated.”
    If there’s even a single instance of voter fraud the election must be thrown out – PERIOD.
    And the Americans should make that clear before the election is stolen – not after.

    The intimidation at the polls in every city in America will be intense – especially now that negroes are coming off the Demonrat Plantation and saying that they support America, Liberty, Freedom, and President Trump.

    The Brown Pampers, Antifa, BLM, and the other minions of Hell will be out in force.

    izlamo delenda est …


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