Mysterious ‘ghost attack’ fires and explosions continue to plague Iran – IOTW Report

Mysterious ‘ghost attack’ fires and explosions continue to plague Iran


As “ghost attack” fires and explosions reportedly continue within Iran, outside observers and the Tehran regime are speculating on who is behind the mysterious events.  

Since last month, blasts and blazes have been reported at Iranian sites, including an explosion that killed 19 people at a medical clinic on June 30, plus fires that ravaged a shipyard and Iran’s main nuclear enrichment facility earlier this month. 

The incidents continued through the weekend, when an explosion wracked a power plant in Isfahan province, and fire consumed a cellophane factory in Tabriz. 

“They’re happening too much to be coincidence,” Iranian exile Amir Rad, who lives in Europe, told Just the News. “Someone is behind all of this. But who?” read more

22 Comments on Mysterious ‘ghost attack’ fires and explosions continue to plague Iran

  1. Since the last Iran post, I have reconsidered my position.

    Ok. Yep. Ok. That reconsideration reinforces my original conviction that indeed I have zero fucks to give about Iran blowing up and burning.

  2. lmao … money quote from the article … “Israel’s defense minister said … his country was not “necessarily” behind every mysterious incident in Iran”

    translation: yeah, we did it … quit being a dick & we’ll stop …. maybe

  3. Huh. Good thing Iran recently signed all those pacts and treaties with China.

    You know, China is their friend and would never gin up an excuse to send military forces to protect 13% of the worlds oil reserves.

  4. Face it.
    The Iranian mullah regime has a LOT of enemies.
    – Yes, external, but also internal.
    They can guess at who is causing the turmoil, but their investigative capabilities seem unable to truly solve the cases.
    And this is funny to those of us that hate the mullahs.

  5. What if……. what if these explosions and fires are simply covid-19 related incidents?

    I mean that poor motorcyclist we heard about the other day apparently died of covid mere moments before he slammed into a brick wall or whatever.

    Also, we keep hearing about how covid is evolving. It’s probably evolving into an arsonist.

  6. They’re happening too much to be coincidence

    I don’t think that’s necessarily true. Iran is in dire financial straits as a result of the sanctions. When money’s tight, maintenance and inspections mostly just stop but the wear and tear don’t. Neglect your gear long enough and it fails, sometimes in wildly exothermic fashion — let the oil run low and the motor seizes and burns up.

    On the other hand, it’s right up Mossad’s alley.

  7. The Israeli sense of self preservation is like no other nation, even more than what we are going through right now.

    MOSSAD or not, who cares? Get the effing job done.

    Kill those Mullahs. And free the Iranian people of the 50’s and early 60’s looking forward to the 20’s. Look at the older photos, there was a real PLACE before the Takeover in ’77. Just like Beirut.

  8. Shouldn’t the Mullahs be accepting these events as Allah’s will? And be calling for blessings on his name? Because they sure do when they plan and cause death or destruction to others.


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