Hollywood: Stupid or Humorless? You Decide – IOTW Report

Hollywood: Stupid or Humorless? You Decide


Several Hollywood celebrities, including actor Ben Stiller and director Judd Apatow, flocked to Twitter following President Trump wishing Ghislaine Maxwell “well,” expressing shock and disgust and asserting that “anyone who stands by him [Trump] is equally as evil.” More

23 Comments on Hollywood: Stupid or Humorless? You Decide

  1. Never heard of most of them and couldn’t care less what any of them say about or think of me.
    They’re under the illusion that they’re universally loved and their opinions carry weight but most people have them sized up for the scum they are.

  2. And does anyone remember the shock and outrage they voiced when Epstein “suicided” himself??

    I would love to meet one of these blowhard narcissists. I’d ask them for an autograph, then punch them in the throat and as they gasp for breath, I’d stuff that autograph down their throat.
    “Loved you in….. … nothing you’ve ever done in your fake life!”

  3. She has not been convicted yet. We are not privy to the evidence yet. Trump has taunted them into revealing, once again, their hatred of him.

    As evidenced by the comments here, excepting Bob’s, it makes us even more loyal and protective of President Trump.

  4. Stupid.. Humorless… how ’bout Bought & Paid For?
    Everybody knows ya can’t get a gig unless you toe the line!
    So here we are again with advice from a bunch of perverts who can’t wind a watch without a personal assistant, personal trainer, Pool boys, house-keepers, chauffeurs, makeup artists, consultants, Analysts and psychiatrists, who are living life through the revolving door of divorce courts, bankruptcy courts, custody courts, criminal courts and rehab centers, yet will gladly preach to everyone else on the planet what to eat, how to raise yer kids, what kind of energy we need, what kind of Gay electric clown-car to drive (while they ride in limousines) and, of course, who to vote for which this year happens to be doddering, old, colossal cluster-fuck who can’t even remember whut he had for breakfast!
    Everybody also knows that if it weren’t for double-standards the Hollyweird elite have no standards at all!!

  5. Stupid, humorless, pretentious and all just a bunch of egotistical lemmings. So afraid to think for themselves because, oh the fucking horror, they will be outed and never get roles in the industry.

    And you know damn well that some want Maxwell to “disappear” for fear of being outed as pedophiles. Man, I hope she survives and the shit hits the fan when she names names…but yeah, Arkancide and such.

  6. I think he was trolling, considering Epstein is dead, plus Trump threw Prince Andrew’s name out there because he refuses to speak to the FBI or NY district attorney. And now Prince Andrew’s name is back out there. lol.

    Have you noticed the support count of the celebrities is dwindling on twitter statements lately?


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