Rantz: No police, no jail, no problems? Big Seattle problems, actually – IOTW Report

Rantz: No police, no jail, no problems? Big Seattle problems, actually


A proposed 50% budget cut by Seattle City Council could see as many as 700 police officers laid off, and the King County executive is moving to close the local jail. What could possibly go wrong? Well, everything.

We know what happens when you stop policing: Crime goes up. Seattle won’t somehow be the exception because our progressive politicians think they’re smarter than everyone else. They’re not: Past lack of results have shown that.

And the dangerous path this city finds itself on cannot be overstated or oversold. People’s lives are literally on the line.

Seattle crime will rise with closed jail, depleted police.

In a surprise move, Executive Dow Constantine revealed he will close down the Seattle jail. Has crime gone down? Nope. Talk to any cop and they’ll let you know. Our jails sit mostly empty due in equal parts to our COVID-19 policy and unwillingness to punish most criminals. So, why the move? Constantine is listening to the area’s most fringe ideologues. read more

5 Comments on Rantz: No police, no jail, no problems? Big Seattle problems, actually

  1. “It is better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.”
    -Milton, “Paradise Lost”

    “Even if you have to MAKE life hell for others YOURSELF”
    -every Democrat, everywhere Democrats rule.

  2. Their voters are incapable of weighing cause/effect dynamic. They are emotion driven. The same illogic that allows them to accept 57 genders and and 2+2 may not be equal to 4 allows them to ignore or explain away anything that does not support their agenda.

  3. I protested at Half-Price Books and TJ Max today. I’m wearing a DTOM shirt today. Not much or any different than BLM signs according to BLM/ANTIFA. They quickly agreed.

    Did a little shopping while I protested.

    Governor says no masks needed to protest when he listed the litany of places/circumstances where masks MUST be worn. While they were tracking down someone with the authority to check it out… I took care of my shopping. As I did my shopping I happened to notice that others were hanging their masks around one ear or putting them under their chins in response.

    Besides, any mask makes my reading glasses fog up. That right there qualifies me for medical exemption… not that I need to go into it any deeper than to say: Thank you for your concern for my health, but I can’t wear them. Gotta be able to read those govt mandated labels, dontcha’ know. They obviously want me to read them or why would they put them on everything in every store in the first place?

    Just smile and be nice to the people manning the checkpoints and they are ready to accommodate you.


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