#MuffinTopsMatter – IOTW Report


Police checked everything except her blubber, which concealed the gun she tried to use to kill them.

If she was black the city would burn.

39 Comments on #MuffinTopsMatter

  1. So the cops are engaging with the woman because there’s a possibility that she may have fired a gun, and they don’t immediately search her person to rule out the possibility of a concealed weapon? Instead, their course of investigation begins with consideration that her cell phone has video….what????? The first thing my eyes were drawn to was the very location from where she pulled a gun, ya know, there’s something hanging there. Whenever I see videos like this I always play “what would I do in this situation.” Am I alone here in thinking this way?

    Also, BFH: I sent you an email at your contact shown under contacts. Just wondering if there’s another I should be using. Thanks.

  2. Unbelievable. She really thought she was going to out shoot, what?, three, four police?! They gave her too much alone time with her phone –standing there, shifting from foot to foot, thinking about it, maybe texting with her girlfriend.

  3. SNS, real ladies don’t expose their muffins like that. I had to sit here and look at those muffins. Her muffins are excessive. Once you see those muffins, they can’t be unseen. Don’t look at ladies’ muffins.

  4. Ted Nougat JULY 23, 2020 AT 4:00 PM
    “So the cops are engaging with the woman because there’s a possibility that she may have fired a gun, and they don’t immediately search her person to rule out the possibility of a concealed weapon?”

    …yecch. I’m not gonna touch it, YOU touch it.

    ….I’M not gonna touch it…

    ….hey, let’s get Mikey!

    …HE won’t touch it, HE won’t touch ANYTHING!

    (She pulls a gun on Mikey)

    ….She’s SHOOTING! Hey, MIKEY!!!

  5. “Unbelievable. She really thought she was going to out shoot, what?, three, four police?! ”

    Yes. This is Arizona. If you don’t think you can outgun 6 cops in a firefight…..you should probably move to New Mesiko.

  6. I agree with Andy’s Dad–when they found the bullets, that should have given them probably cause to frisk her (they should have had probably cause already because people were claiming a gun had been fired). An early frisk could have diffused the situation, or set her off earlier when the cops would have been better prepared.

  7. I wonder if the legal,owner, who the gun was stolen from will get it back? There ain’t a chance in hell it wasn’t stolen.

    I haven’t known anyone who has gotten a stolen gun back in about twenty years now. Previously it seemed that about once every year or two I would hear of such an incident.

  8. I get cans of biscuits to have with SOS at the store called Walmart when I am too lazy to make them from bisquick. Damn if her fat ass doesn’t look just like one of those biscuit cans after you wack it on the edge of the counter and crack it open.

  9. Exactly. This is a clip from the B roll of “Raising Arizona 2”.

    H.I.’s daughter meets her future husband.

    But my favorite part of the clip is at the very end where she stops screaming and says “Alright.” In nothing more than an exasperated tone.

  10. The worst part of that video was having to stare at her biscuits multiple times. The best part was her biscuits on the ground.

    (I think the word m_ffin by itself is a banned pr*n word.)

  11. The cops can’t frisk her down just on the word of others; that doesn’t constitute reasonable cause. That said, she’s a moron for hanging around, letting them search her backpack knowing she had contraband, and, of course, trying to shoot it out.

  12. My sister’s friend, Judy, had gargantuan books. One day, Judy and my sister were making sandwiches for their young kids and themselves. At one point, Judy started complaining that she couldn’t find her sandwich that she’d just made while sitting at the kitchen table. Looked all around and finally found it under her book. Turns out when she reached across the table to get the jelly, her boob engulfed the sandwich on her plate as she sat back down.

  13. After she hit the pavement, she rolled a few feet on the hot pavement. Ouch!

    She went rollin’ rollin’ rollin’, keep that flab a movin’, keep those buns a goin’ Rawhide, Yeah!.

  14. I love when there’s a warning about violence cause I know some dickhead is gonna get hurt.
    I laugh, when I really shouldn’t.
    This is where our entertainment comes from now.

  15. @Anon

    Today’s culture – tatted pink and green haired “girls” yelling the F-word at police and pulling guns on them.

    The “culture” sucks. We have lousy education, lousy sports, lousy entertainment, lousy politicians. When it’s not just lousy, it’s murderous. The culture has affected the military in negative ways as well. I can only hope our military will be ready when the SHTF.


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