Writer John Waters on Mask Wearing – IOTW Report

Writer John Waters on Mask Wearing



ht/ jerry manderin

14 Comments on Writer John Waters on Mask Wearing

  1. Best truth caption ever.

    โ€œThis man understands the mask lie at a level most can’t comprehend.โ€

    People with any sense have a visceral understanding of this Mask Charade..

  2. I have tried to enlighten people with scientific data and facts from the US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health and PPE Professionals. They were accepting the truths laid before them.
    Then our weak-kneed Governor (Mike Dewine. OH) mandated masks for everyone in the state over the age of two years old.
    One step forward for facts and freedom, two steps back mandated by Government.

  3. All so terribly true. We are nothing more than damned, dirty apes.

    The same people who believe in the perfectibility of man by men,
    Who rage against Christians believing in Original Sin,
    Are the same people who now tell us we are doomed by our very breath,
    And must shamefully cover that which gives us life under pain of death.

  4. We don’t have people being required to wear masks because of democrats. Democrats always initiate evil.

    We have people being required to wear masks because the republicans we elected either say nothing or go along with the tyranny. They never, ever fight for the constituents who elected them.

  5. @xxx: The republicans are caving because they figure they will need at least half of the idiot vote to win.

    At the mall I go to, masks are not required. And yet, a good 90% wear them – wheezing octogenarians and young hipsters alike. The mind boggles.

  6. With the reports of no mask shaming, but otherwise high compliance – it’s become easier to understand how the people were oppressed in totalitarian countries, wherein people, were willing to rat out their own neighbors, friends, and family who didn’t follow government mandates. Either from fear or belief they were doing the right thing or best thing for society. Not an encouraging insight.

  7. Iโ€™m noticing a pseudo-religious ritual at the mall: as you enter, you dip your fingers in Holy Sanitizer and cross yourself by adjusting your snot bag.

  8. @Bob M – Aaaaah, a BREATH of fresh Irish air, humor and irony included, free of charge.

    @Charlie Walksonwater – I completely agree bro, there is not enough discussion about this….WAIT we can’t have a normal discussion with a mask on.

    IT just DOES NOT work. Wutthafouk? That was an Irish accent…


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