Bongino rips coverage of Portland violence: ‘The misinformation is stunning’ – IOTW Report

Bongino rips coverage of Portland violence: ‘The misinformation is stunning’

FOX: Former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said there is widespread misinformation about the entrance of federal law enforcement agents into Portland, Ore., to try to quell night after night of criminal behavior and violent protests.

Bongino said on “The Daily Briefing” that the claim agents from the Department of Homeland Security are “unmarked” or are stormtrooper-like is unfounded.

He said that, while in the Secret Service, he routinely made arrests either in plainclothes or in the trademark business suit worn by agents.

“You probably lost control of your city if you’re Ted Wheeler and you walk out among the protesters you think you’re safe among, and you’re not. You’re shouted down and accosted by the protesters. That should be a general rule, right?” he said. more

11 Comments on Bongino rips coverage of Portland violence: ‘The misinformation is stunning’

  1. The Federal effort in all these cities is a work-in-progress.

    Portland’s efforts to stop Trump’s deployment of Federal agents has failed:

    Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago finally “accepted” the agents. The fact is, she had no choice.

    Guess what, Democrat Mayors. It’s FEDERAL LAW. And you also are sworn to uphold The Constitution Of The United States which, in case you weren’t taught it in school, includes ALL laws passed by Congress and signed into law by the President, all under the Constitution.

  2. In 1930 or so, President Hoover sent federal agents from Justice and Treasury to Chicago to quell the gangster violence there. They arrested Capone on Income Tax evasion. I don’t know how effective it was overall, but that is one precedent.

    Another is Eisenhower sending regular army troops to Little Rock in 1957 to allow negro (that’s what they were called then) kids to go to Little Rock High School. That’s another precedent.

    In 1859, Robert E. Lee led a detachment of US Marines to Harper’s Ferry to capture John Brown who had staged an uprising. That’s another precedent, and I’m sure there are many more.

    Portland Mayor Wheeler and the rest of the yellow-bellied democrat politicians can get lost.

  3. I keep hearing The Donald saying the mayors need to “invite them in”. A felon with a firearm is breaking Federal Law.
    Cities like Chicago have certain “blocks” of areas that are known as the hotspots where the gangbangers who do most of the shooting live and operate from. Start nailing them on
    Federal firearms charges and shipping them across the country to different Federal prisons (“Project Exile” style) Once the perps see their homies sent to Kansas and Louisiana for 5-10 and no parole they will blab when caught and the Feds can roll them all up.
    They can also start checking the local politicians for evidence of corruption while there. That will light a fire under those crooks to make the feds work on gunscrime easier so they will leave.

  4. “Stunning”


    The hell ya’ say.

    Stunning to who Dan?

    Shit, nobody who lives anywhere within a two hundred mile radius of Protestland even raised an eyebrow, much less expressed the least bit of surprise. They all just shrugged and said something like: Well, nobody in their right mind expected anything different.

    What the hell planet ya all been living on the last decade?

  5. “Federal Judge rules in favor of Trump administration tonight in United States vs City of Seattle. Says that TRO is “very temporary” and that he wants to hear from police oversight agencies. Tear gas is legal for now.“

    I saw this afternoon that the Trump Illustr8r admin went to court today to rescind the order to limit the kind of riot gear the SPD can use. I thought the City restricted riot batons and shields but the city stopped tear gas and other non lethal crowd control measures. The SPD still had their guns too. It’s almost like the City of Seattle wanted images of cops beating on people or maybe someone shot.

  6. Trump is walking a tightrope with his justified deployment of federal agents to quell the riots and the push back from local and state authorities. He realizes that the head of the Joint Chief’s and other agency heads {think Mike Esper} are verging on refusal to obey lawful directives to deploy. Basically he has all of DC just itching to defy him and neuter his authority.
    Trump has to balance the urge to send overwhelming forces to quell the riots and yet not give the traitors in DC any excuse to block him.
    Nearly at the end of his first term and still surrounded by traitors.

  7. The government deliberately crashed the economy. Now they “protect” the “citizens” by disappearing them, with right wing goon squads.

    It was a nice Venezuela, while it lasted.

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