Source says FBI agent used 2016 briefing on election interference as ‘cover’ to question Trump team – IOTW Report

Source says FBI agent used 2016 briefing on election interference as ‘cover’ to question Trump team

FOX: : A newly declassified document obtained by Fox News reveals that the FBI agent who delivered the defensive briefing on election interference to the Trump campaign in August 2016 “actively listened” for certain topics – using it as a “cover” to monitor then-candidate Donald Trump and Michael Flynn, a source familiar with the document said.

The document, obtained by Fox News, was declassified by Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe and transmitted to Capitol Hill.

The document reflects type-written notes by FBI agent Joe Pientka after an August 17, 2016 briefing to then-candidate Donald Trump, Michael Flynn and Chris Christie, “in support of ODNI briefings provided to U.S. Presidential candidates and two of their advisors.”

The briefing, which was held at the FBI’s New York Field Office, also included a “13- minute defensive briefing” delivered by Pientka. The ODNI briefer was Edward Gistaro, according to the document. read more

5 Comments on Source says FBI agent used 2016 briefing on election interference as ‘cover’ to question Trump team

  1. I’m sorry. These little details merely add to the volume of knowledge most Americans who don’t gorge themselves on network leftist media already know.

    I’m sorry to be an asshole, but don’t pester me with stories of deep state corruption until there are 5am raids and arrests at the homes of James Comey, James Clapper, Hillary Clinton, Lisa Paige, Peter Strzok, and the rest of the swamp creatures whose names are too voluminous to recall.

    The ‘arrests are imminent’ bullshit we’ve heard for two years have grown tiresome because nothing ever comes to fruition.

    Not taking it out on you personally, Fur, but this is turned into bad theater.

    Normal people have already resigned themselves to reality.
    There are two Justice systems. Maybe four.
    1). The connected inside the beltway
    2). The rest of us
    3). Leftist rioting terrorists who destroy, pillage, murder, burn
    4). The rest of us.

    The rest of us hope to get sweet revenge in November at the ballot box, but if it becomes apparent that leftists have stolen our next to last voice…?

    That’s when the left will meet their end in a fashion not of our choosing.

    Sorry for the rant.

  2. Amen, PHenry.
    They’ve beaten around the shrubs so much that it’s just stupid at this point.

    Apparently, that’s the intent of ALL the lawyers in government, it’s Them vs Us.

  3. Just another pack of evidence sitting in a now dusty pile.
    We know what they did, who they were and what laws they broke while Durham plays with his toes and Barr lets him.


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