This Dude Is Really Starting To Irritate Me – IOTW Report

This Dude Is Really Starting To Irritate Me

Who’s that?

You know who.

26 Comments on This Dude Is Really Starting To Irritate Me

  1. nooooooo … not the guy that touted up the AID’s ‘epidemic’ & turned it into the ‘crisis of the 20th Century!’

    not the guy that told us all to wear a face diaper in public & practice ‘socially’ distancing (whatever the ‘eff that is!) while not ‘practicing’ it himself?

    not the guy Mike Pence convinced PDT what the absolute ‘expert’ on all things epidemic?

    …. no, not that guy!

  2. He’s gone Hollyweird.

    Celebrity sunglasses, pink shirt, posing in front of palm trees…the whole shootin’ match!

    In fact, Hollyweird will likely make a movie about him. They’ll portray him as a lonely hero fighting Trump, who will be portrayed as a Hitler type killing millions of innocents. Wait for it.

  3. Gaaaagggh…Just Google “Can Trump fire Fauci”. No, wait…Don’t do it. The smug will make you puke.

    It’d be a shame if the little goblin choked on a pretzel. A real crying shame.

  4. When my Petey B used to over bleach my unbleached elastic starfish, it really started to irritate because who wants to deal with irritation plaguing their unbleached elastic starfish!

  5. If lefties understand anything it’s the cult of personality. Fuckface Fauci is just the latest saint to be elevated to god like hero worship.

    Just like Stacey Tank Abrams or Manchelle Obamanation. When you hate the one true Lord God and Savior you make your Demi-gods into idols of worship.

    Satan encourages this Marxist technique because he understands idolatry is really love for him. This is why God gets so angry when we worship idols.

    It is fortunate for us that Jesus intercedes for us or we would all be fried. Our culture is worse than Sodom and Gomorrah, and God Almighty would have destroyed the earth long ago if not for Jesus.

  6. Transgender Estelle Getty wins no converts. He’s a hero to Karens who like to order waitresses around and biological men who moan when they wipe their ass.

  7. Wow, the little nerd was allowed to hang around government for all those many, many years and now he finally gets to have his day in the sun! Let all taxpayer suckers beware!


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