Portland Rioters ‘Catatonic with hate’ – IOTW Report

Portland Rioters ‘Catatonic with hate’

The agent added, “I’m seeing African American Federal Protective Service inspectors, 20 year’s [a] law enforcement officer, being called the N-word to their face for the first time in their careers, by a scrawny, pasty white booger-eating communist shithead.”


SNIP: Wow! Joe Biden doesn’t think black people are really black if they vote for Trump and now Biden’s and Bernie Sanders’ lil monsters are calling black people n1ggers?

Every lefty loser riot is a great campaign ad (and a voter add) for Trump.

Oh, and what she said.

21 Comments on Portland Rioters ‘Catatonic with hate’

  1. these people are angry because they’ve had it so easy all their lives. they are lashing out because of the ‘angst’ of their irrelevancy … they’ve gotten everything they’ve ever wanted, without working for it.

    their real rage is against themselves, their parents & their collective guilt for being the freest, most spoiled brats in the history of the world.

    deep down, they know they are thoroughly undeserving

    …. pitifully pathetic, actually

  2. These events are scripted and choreographed with input from City Hall in every single instance. The news media a is also in on the documenting of these events as they play out and edit them for effect side by side with Democrat operatives.

    They start off “family friendly,” and at the appointed time that filth who use children as political props filters away and are replaced by the next rung up that is more obnoxious and graphic in their messaging and there are a couple iterations of this before all of a sudden the field is taken by the Democrats shock troops and it is game on. There is enough overlap to give the media photo opportunities of individuals from earlier chapters being hit and injured or tear gassed.

    They then start broadcasting the Democrat focus group tested narrative that invariably includes the canard “mostly peaceful” and refers to the combatants as “protesters” and never a mention of riot or the progression from staged shots of children carrying signs and chanting slogans they have no comprehension of or ability to put into any context.

    It is so transparent what is going on that it boggles the mind that anyone could be so naive that they cannot see through this farce.

  3. @ Odin 2013 JULY 27, 2020 AT 9:42 PM

    “Powers and principalities…”


    The problem is on that level. These details are but the scenery along the way.

    Makes you wonder what your role is in the plan. You know it’s coming, no matter what.

  4. The hatred is a function of their having been inculcated with a sense of envy. Envy is among the most destructive of sins and the Marxists have made it their mission to elevate envy to a virtue. I can promise you this, any time in the last decade anyone could visit a bookstore and/or coffee house on Saturday or Sunday morning and sit quietly and overhear a discussion among progs regarding which group they hate and as the discussion progressed you could recognize that envy driven resentment is what was fueling all of this hatred.

  5. We always knew there was something wrong with Liberals and Progressives. But what we didn’t understand is how the mental illness could progress to what we’re seeing now. It is truly a threat to life and civilization. It either has to stop or be put down the way rabid wildlife is put down.

    The best way to describe these people is dangerously rabid.

  6. I wish someone would do a real head count of how many protesters there actually are. Most of the vid I see is a group of about 50 or so and most are walking around streaming via a cell phone.

    It only took LEOs one morning to clear CHAZ/CHOP. If there were an executive order saying that any non LEO approaching your vehicle with a weapon can be considered a life-threatening situation and allow you the leeway to act accordingly these ‘protests’ would stop.

  7. terrorism is an antiGod movement at its core. Its hatred of God and His followers. I think that Trump is like Moses leading the slaves out of captivity and the final escape will be like the parting of the red sea. It will be a miracle all will see and none will be able to deny.

  8. Can we please go back to some old-fashioned ways to defend the courthouse? Boiling oil poured from the top of the building. Flaming arrows. Snipers. Let the Feds “Rain arrows down on their heads and turn their testicles into castinets.”


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