Universities Brand ‘Drama Therapy’ And ‘Journalism’ as STEM Majors to Circumvent Immigration Policy – IOTW Report

Universities Brand ‘Drama Therapy’ And ‘Journalism’ as STEM Majors to Circumvent Immigration Policy


Several American universities are expanding the scope of their science, technology, engineering, and mathematics in an attempt to circumvent U.S. immigration regulations, which allows international students who major in STEM subjects to stay in the country two years longer than counterparts who major in the humanities. New York University, for example, now includes journalism, classics, and drama therapy under its STEM umbrella.

NYU is one of a number of universities exploiting a U.S. immigration policy that requires most international students to leave the country a year after finishing their studies—but permits those who studied STEM disciplines to work for an additional two years. The policy is part of the Department of Homeland Security’s Optional Practical Training (OPT) program, which aims to shore up the United States’ supply of engineers and tech workers.

The result has been a dramatic increase in the number of foreign students seeking the STEM exemption—it ballooned to nearly 70,000 in 2018 from just over 2,000 in 2008 as the University of California, BerkeleyBoston UniversityCalifornia State University, and others have classified journalism, media studies, and digital media arts as STEM programs.


11 Comments on Universities Brand ‘Drama Therapy’ And ‘Journalism’ as STEM Majors to Circumvent Immigration Policy

  1. That’s fine then Immigration will specifically define which classes are eligible. May take awhile in which case all the students currently enrolled and on US soil are rounded up and put on a plane home. Any interference for the colleges/universities will result in cancellation of any grants or other forms of financial support.
    These rocks of higher education need to be taught a lesson as to where their power ends and the feds begins.

  2. STEM has been slowly eroded by the Marxist teachers unions. They are now calling it “STEAM” by adding Arts, thus diluting the original purpose, which was to keep the US as the world leader in technology.

  3. The university administrative cruds have become addicted to those Chinese dollars that allow them to live somewhat near the same zip code areas as their obscenely paid sports coaches!

  4. In theory, the official list of degrees that qualify as STEM and available for the OPT program is defined by DHS and listed on the ICE website. However, even that list has some items that are vague enough to cover questionable courses:
    – Digital Communications and Multimedia
    – Educational Evaluation and Research
    – Social Psychology

    Just to name a few


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