Iran: The Mullahs Are On Team Joe – IOTW Report

Iran: The Mullahs Are On Team Joe

Gatestone Institute:

One of the best gifts that the ruling mullahs of Iran can receive is if Joe Biden, former Vice-President, becomes president of the United States.

The regime is currently struggling politically and financially. Tehran’s economy is on the verge of collapseInflation and unemployment rates are at record high levels, and the regime is finding extremely difficult to pay its employees, let alone its more luxurious obligations. Iran’s economic conditions have become so dire that even some officials are warning of possible revolt and the collapse of the Islamic Republic.

The Iranian regime, in short, is in survival mode and — to maintain its power as its oil exports continue to decline — in desperate need of cash.

Before the Trump administration re-imposed sanctions on Tehran, Iran was exporting more than two million barrels of oil a day. According to the latest reports, Iran’s oil export is now around 70,000 barrels a day. Iran’s currency, the rial, has also been rapidly losing its value.

From the perspective of Iran’s leadership, however, a significant amount of this pressure can be lifted if Biden wins the 2020 presidential elections. Iran’s state-owned newspapers and politicians are, in fact, deliriously optimistic about Biden defeating Trump in the November elections. The headline in the newspaper Mardom Salari on July 20 read, “Biden Getting More Popular at Time of Trump’s Decline”.

If the former vice president wins the 2020 presidential elections, he can indeed solve many of the mullahs’ problems. The Democrat Party’s platform has already committed itself to returning to the JCPOA nuclear deal, which enables Iran in a few years to have an unlimited nuclear capability, and which President Donald J. Trump abandoned decisively. MORE

h/t Systematically Confused.

9 Comments on Iran: The Mullahs Are On Team Joe

  1. Obama was – and is – a traitor. Biden was an accomplice, raking in money along the way.

    The greater insanity is us even entertaining this malignant toad walking free, let alone running for high office.

  2. This really isn’t just a Democrat vs. Republican battle, this is Capitolism vs. Global Socialism.
    The people at the top of Global Socialism (Democrat) are losing money as Trump kills more of their good buddy deals. The main commodity is America, selling it off, tax it out of existence, move to another country, or give it away to China. The pandemic should show us that we are to reliant(sold to) China. Face Masks, pharmaceuticals, many others, no longer manufactured here in America.


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