At least one protester at McCloskey altercation was armed with firearm, sources say – IOTW Report

At least one protester at McCloskey altercation was armed with firearm, sources say

Just the News: Mark and Patricia McCloskey made national headlines at the end of June when they confronted a mob of protesters outside of their home on Portland Place, a wealthy private street west of downtown St. Louis. 

Photos and videos of the couple holding firearms and in some cases brandishing those firearms at the crowd went globally viral. St. Louis prosecutor Kim Gardner charged the pair on July 20 with “flourishing” their guns in an unlawful manner. 

Yet sources in the St. Louis Police Department have told Just the News that video evidence from the altercation indicates that at least one member of the crowd of protesters was armed with a gun during the confrontation. 

That allegation, if true, could be a key assertion in the McCloskeys’ defense. The pair’s lawyer has cited the state’s “castle doctrine” law, which stipulates that an individual may use deadly force without the need to retreat if he or she “reasonably believes that such deadly force is necessary” to protect his or her own life.  more

10 Comments on At least one protester at McCloskey altercation was armed with firearm, sources say

  1. RacerX, yes. Ditto.

    Also self-defense does not require that anyone in the trespassing mob of hundreds carry a firearm. Don’t even have to get to the Castle Doctrine. The two would have been within their rights to brandish firearms if this yelling destructive mob had approached and similarly threatened them anywhere.

  2. A mob that has just forcibly entered your property constitutes “reasonably believes that such deadly force is necessary” to protect his or her own life.

    That is the alpha and the omega of the issue.

  3. After we’ve seen all this footage my husband said they should have taken a page from the dems, one of them should have filmed them and said I don’t feel safe, we are being threatened etc. I’m sure there is video footage from surveillance these expensive homes must have to capture what exactly that crowd looked like, what they were carrying. Absurd this is even a question given they broke into private property by destroying a private gate and trespassed while threatening residents with harm.


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