Politico publishes piece claiming Kamala Harris is Biden’s VP pick — quickly scrubs it – IOTW Report

Politico publishes piece claiming Kamala Harris is Biden’s VP pick — quickly scrubs it

Politico added an editor’s note saying, “Due to a technical error, an earlier version of this graphic mistakenly reported that Biden had made his VP selection. We regret the mistake.” More at the blaze

21 Comments on Politico publishes piece claiming Kamala Harris is Biden’s VP pick — quickly scrubs it

  1. Not a mistake by Politico. One of two things: 1) trial balloon to see the public’s reaction on behalf of the Biden camp or 2)Put the news out there to put Biden in a corner making it hard not to pick her.

  2. @gin blossom – yes, and if she pretends to be MJ and Biden is there, leave the kids at home!! Better yet, don’t go yourself – the probable psychotherapy needed would drain Bill Gates’s bank account.

    Dang it, that gave me a warped idea – if joe and mj kamala do win, would the JFK tunnels be used again?

  3. @stop2think – I am leaning towards the second, but with a good argument, I could be persuaded to change my vote.

    If you want to persuade me, please send $10,000 in bitcoin to … (I am a teacher, though not part of a union). Or maybe set up a gofundme?

  4. Joe, she’s too ugly now to be your pick.

    Joe, you need to go take a close look at her face. It’s bad, Joe, really bad.

    And then decide. Okay, Joe?


    (Joe’s fondling a store manikin.)

  5. The Democrat criteria for VPOTUS candidate is fixed in stone:
    1. Black/Brown
    2. Vagina

    3. Sexual deviant is an optional third item

    Qualifications such as competency, literacy, intelligence, morality, character, patriotism, experience, are all irrelevant. Except, the Hildabeast might perform a Democrat election hijacking of some sort. Do ‘t count that witch out until Glenda drops a house on her sorry ass.

  6. That’s a Willie Brown Face Masque.

    Kammy, you’re supposed to wipe that stuff off before it hardens and cracks when you smile. Didn’t you learn that in high school?


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