Democrats Refused To Let Barr Speak Because They Know He’s Right – IOTW Report

Democrats Refused To Let Barr Speak Because They Know He’s Right

Federalist: If the Democrats had anything on William Barr, they would have forced him to answer questions. They don’t, so they just talked over him.

Tuesday’s House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing with Attorney General William Barr was really something to behold. Almost every Democrat played from the same playbook, starting with Chairman Jerry Nadler, who told Barr he should be ashamed of himself. One after the other, they heaped scorn on the attorney general in a build up to some question that they refused to allow Barr to answer.

Here is a good mashup if you missed out on the fun for yourself.

There is a serious giveaway in this tactic. When a member of Congress thinks he or she has a witness dead to rights for having made mistakes, or made false statements, the lawmaker tries to compel the witness to answer hard questions, not refuse to allow it. The problem Monday was that Barr clearly had very good answers for every question he was asked. There was no gotcha because he did nothing wrong and could explain that.

13 Comments on Democrats Refused To Let Barr Speak Because They Know He’s Right

  1. According to wiki, and no, I do not rely on that site for in-depth analysis, but since the moderators are left-leaning if not complete socialists, I will use the definition they have:
    “A United States congressional hearing is the principal formal method by which United States congressional committees collect and analyze information in the early stages of legislative policymaking.”

    Based on that, these were not hearings because they didn’t want to collect any information, they just wanted to make speeches that will not lead to any analysis for legislative policymaking. The democrats were pandering to their constituents and the Republicans were ignored.

  2. Not letting AG Barr answer the questions reflects worse on democrats than it did on AG Barr. Another shitshow in a long series of shitshows run by Judiciary under Jerry Nadler.

  3. Barr: “This is a hearing , I thought I was the one you wanted to be heard.” A great line, after which I would have grabbed my briefcase, stood up, and exited the hearing.

  4. They refuse to let him talk because they refuse to believe the “peaceful protesters” are rioting. How could places like Minnesota request federal funds if everything was peaceful?

    The clip with Madeleine Dean clearly shows their complete disconnect from the situation.

    It would be like arguing in favor of a school shooter that he was simply exercising his 2A right.

  5. And if he bliws his too at the mountain of lies and slander with their House Judiciary Committee Lynching, they say he doesn’t have the temperament for the job like they did to Kavanaugh.

  6. That mess reminded me of taking the children, when they were small, to Amarillo’s small zoo. Kiddos’ favorite attraction was tossing peanuts into the monkey cage. We really had to rein them in, however. The primate planet inhabitants absolutely lived to toss fresh schiff out at everyone foolish enough who got too close.

    I swear, I think I saw some of them, or their posterity, bloviating into Congressional microphones.


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