Herman Cain Succumbs to Corona Virus – IOTW Report

Herman Cain Succumbs to Corona Virus


43 Comments on Herman Cain Succumbs to Corona Virus

  1. God Bless Herman Cain’s family and friends in their hour of NEED. Lord, wrap your arms around them, give them that blessed assurance that he is with You now, and use the occasion of his homegoing to draw them closer to You that they may see each other again and be joyously reunited at Your feet if they accept the gift of Your mercy and walk in Your way. Strengthen those he leaves behind to pick up his mantle and carry on his fight here in this world until the time comes to lay their trophies down, for this sin-sick world needs the fight against evil to continue as long as possible to give as many as possible the opportunity to come to You at the last.

    And I ask this as you command in the precious name of Jesus,

    God Bless,

  2. Sad to hear of Mr. Cain’s passing. He spoke at our church years ago. Very honorable person. Unfortunately, his death will be politicized by the left. The angle will be the constant nagging about Chinavirus and his so called “controversial” political legacy. Headlines that disract from the fact, Herman Cain was a successful business man and effective conservative.

  3. Not only a class act but the perfect embodiment of the American Dream, namely that with hard work, effort, and a gritty determination to better oneself, the sky is the limit.

    If black children want a role model for achieving excellence in any endeavor, Herman Cain is it, he is the one they should be studying and emulating while in school.

    His alacrity with numbers and his solid business sense should have been utilized more by Trump.

    I really liked his 9-9-9 tax plan, fiscal restraint is unheard of in D.C.

  4. Imagine how much better off America would have been if the 2012 presidential nomination process would have selected Herman Cain as its candidate rather than Mitt Romney.

  5. Peace and comfort to his family and friends who will, no doubt, miss him terribly.

    *Just wondering, before the mask believers get rolling – Herman Cain had stage 4 cancer in 2006 and underwent chemo therapy. Could his immune system have suffered to this day? I am curious to understand why some get covid some don’t some die others don’t.

  6. AGE! He outlived the life expectancy of boys born in ’45 by 12 years!

    Most folk over 70 die of what we called “OldAge” 70 years ago.

    Had he been a she it would still be over 8 years! Still AGE!

  7. He beat Stage 4 colon cancer in 2006.

    He was breathing better and “getting stronger.”

    Supernightshade nails it requesting an autopsy.

    I’m wondering if he was found head-above or head-under his pillow.

    This is serious sh!t, people.

  8. Will Obama deliver the eulogy at the funeral?
    Will Presidents Bush and Clinton attend?
    Will the stars fall from the sky?
    Will the rivers all run dry?

    I’d better step away from the keyboard now for BFH’s sake.

  9. LOL, Sylvia. Yeah I don’t do coronavirus vaccines anymore. Or the pneumonia ones. Because guess who gets sick with a bad flu, like ER bad, right after she gets the vaccine. You got it. ME.
    FTS! They can have my share.

  10. MJA JULY 30, 2020 AT 11:48 AM
    “livingthecovelife – You just never know. Look at Ginsburg! Not that I wish Wuhan curse on her, but it’s gotta be genetics.”

    …there was a book I read several years ago called “The Solid Gold Stethoscope” that was a doctor being honest about doctoring, and even though it’s decades old, I recommend it, but that’s not the point.

    In that book while speaking of his patient care experiences, he notes that it was very common for nice, sweet, caring people to die quickly and young while evil, hateful, nasty people lingered on forever, seemingly breathless in their bitterness. He even advanced it as a theory that he referred to as Conversion of Malignacy – the meaner you are, the longer you’ll live.

    …I was able to validate that with my own patient care observations a few years later.

    …and ANYONE can validate that NOW just by looking at old liberals…

    …Herman Cain was on the other side of that, it may be the REAL reason he didn’t make it to 110, or 430 in Ruth Ginsberg’s case. And while this makes it EASY to say “nice guys finish last”, HIS finish line ends in Heaven, while Ruth’s eventual finish is likely to be, well, elsewhere…

    Godspeed Mr Cain. Enjoy your rest.

  11. Supernightshade- On both sides of my family, it is a common quote.
    ‘too evil to die’. LOL.
    But then, stubborn and mean can get you killed quick, too. Usually involves crime though, not illness.

  12. attention: Handsome MD Was he given HCL/ZINC/ZPAK?

    I would like to know also if he was taking this or perhaps he was denied this medication.
    Instead of all the damn masking crap, everyone should be taking a dose of this daily for a couple of weeks, just like our beloved POTUS
    Eternal peace to you and those you left behind Mr. Cain

  13. Heart broken. He is the first politician I genuinely loved. Was praying last night for his recovery. Thank you Mr Cain for your Spirit of Joy! Well done, good and faithful servant.
    Love and peace always, to your dear wife and family.


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