Mickey Dees Turns Into Mask Snitchers – IOTW Report

Mickey Dees Turns Into Mask Snitchers

McDonald’s CEO says law enforcement may be called on customers who refuse to wear masks.

Employees have reportedly been trained with deescalation tactics.


McDonald’s CEO Chris Kempczinski recently spoke about recent decisions the company has made amid the coronavirus pandemic. He specifically suggested that law enforcement may be called during situations when a customer won’t wear a mask.

He continued, “If someone is unwilling to wear a mask and comply with our rules, that might be where we might bring in law enforcement.”

Employees have reportedly undergone training on how to explain that masks are required and according to Kempczinski, that training included de-escalation methods.

He explained, “Ultimately, we’re not going to be asking our crew people to put themselves in harm’s way.”


ht/ sns

34 Comments on Mickey Dees Turns Into Mask Snitchers

  1. “Employees have reportedly been trained with deescalation tactics.”

    LOLOLOL!!!! The same company who has their own tab on WORLD HIP HOP VIDEOS is going to train their employees to call 911. LOLOL!!!

  2. Look-

    1. If they’re eating in the store, how are they going to tell people to wear masks?

    2. If they’re in the drive-thru, in their own car, how is that McDonald’s business?

    3. How about less calling cops for stupid shit and focus on that shit food?
    Last time I got a Big Mac there, it was about 1 inch high from bun to bun.
    Come on! Also, try and keep dead people of your roof. lol.

  3. I don’t know how it works in other states, but in Oregon, Kate Brownshirt has charged DEQ with enforcement. If her gestapo catches citizens in stores without masks, the business gets fined big bucks. Can’t say I blame McD’s in that case.

  4. it is a private business.

    if they require masks and you don’t want to wear a mask then don’t frequent their business.

    if you value your life don’t frequent their business. their food kills.

    but this should go both ways, if i don’t want to hire gays, transgenders or heavily pierced people to work for me i should not have to.

    why spend money where you are not wanted anyway?

  5. bill- I’ve wondered the same. muslim bakeries don’t have to make gay wedding cakes but the Christian ones must. Wonder if it’s the same with masks at a muslim shop.

    However, what if the franchise owner of a McD doesn’t want to push that rule onto customers? They’re allowed to set their own price, their own specials, select their own dress codes…

  6. @MJA — It may be that mohammadman bakeries don’t have to make gay wedding cakes because they never get asked to make gay wedding cakes. Anyone who might ask is afraid of being stoned to death and/or getting thrown off the top of the building.

  7. …left unsaid is what will happen when they call the police. It kind of depends what they call the police FOR.

    Here, if they call them for masks, they will get referred to the Board of Health.

    If they call it trespassing, best case, they get Tim Horton’s in Toronto.

    Worst case? Ask Wendy’s in Atlanta what worst case is…

    …not sure why McD’s has chosen this PARTICULAR hill, unless they’re just being good litlle Communists. Based on what I’ve seen of McDonald’s actual employees, though, de-escalation is NOT their STRONG suit…



    …NOT lovin’ it…

  8. McDonalds can do this however I bet Ray Kroc wouldn’t have done it. In any event as mentioned by @bill they have a right to refuse service if a customer won’t follow their rules however calling a cop should only be done if the situation escalates to violence. Having said that the customers have a right to not return to McD’s ever and I suspect that the boys and girls in Oak Brook are peeing their panties because they’re realizing that McD’s will never return to sales volumes they previously enjoyed. If this Corona fraud did one thing it taught Americans both single and family that they have a kitchen and with very effort they can prepare a better, healthier, tastier and cheaper meal then the Clown. Speaking of which, has anybody seen Ronald lately? I wonder if the PC wunderkids running the joint had him neckshot in the alley behind HQ.

  9. @scr_north:

    Speaking of which, has anybody seen Ronald lately?

    The HR and PR people haven’t finished his make-over. I’m sure we’ll soon see his return as a Clown of Color.

    But the Hamburglar will remain White.

  10. Just make sure if you take on any Mickey D’s employees that you are ready to do the ‘bob and weave’ to avoid those greasy fries from hitting you! On the other hand, you might find a couple employees willing to try to get you to catch them with your mouth. It’s always a crap shoot at Mickey D’s.

  11. Uncle Al
    JULY 31, 2020 AT 11:52 AM

    Speaking of which, has anybody seen Ronald lately?

    The HR and PR people haven’t finished his make-over. I’m sure we’ll soon see his return as a Clown of Color.”

    …or showing his TRUE colors, as Democrats all seem to be doing now…


  12. Does McD’s make beignets? Good cheesecake? Exquisite calamari?

    No. They sell burgers and fries, and on any given day I pass dozens of places that sell those.

  13. I have been told that our local county police refuse to go to any stores to enforce mask rules. They say it’s not a law and not police business. Io hope it’s true.

  14. Haven’t been to a Mickey D’s for a couple of years, had a bad experience and never went back.

    We are on a slippery slope when the Gestapo is running amuck at a fast food restaurant. Just wait til goggles are enforced that ought to get real interesting. 😁

  15. Meanwhile those non customer homeless drug addicts can continue to use their bathrooms and defecate in the corner instead of using the actual toilet. No intervention needed there.

  16. Uncle Al
    JULY 31, 2020 AT 1:34 PM
    “@Supernightshade — re: that imgur evil Ronald — Great comment by @rightofftrack:

    Why does the chicken have nipples? Its freaking me out”

    …the same reason this parrot has teeth, I suppose…


    …but while I realize we’re mammals, why do MEN have nipples?

    …specifically, BAT men…


  17. “Employees are training on deescalation but how about training on getting what I ordered in my bag?”

    Masks down, MCD is the worst fast food chain for getting your orders correct. I think the twin lanes are for one reason alone. Not for getting orders in twice as fast but for using one lane to correct the orders they messed up. lol.

    There is one McD in North Las Vegas that cannot even get a one item order right. It’s so bad, we tell people to go there and check it out themselves. I’ve gone with people where we each ordered the same drink. Diet Coke. All 4 were incorrect. ALL FOUR.
    They pay their employees with weed.


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