4 more plead guilty in Los Angeles homeless voter fraud scheme – IOTW Report

4 more plead guilty in Los Angeles homeless voter fraud scheme

JustTheNews: Four Los Angeles residents have pleaded guilty to organizing a voter fraud scheme in the city’s Skid Row neighborhood, paying homeless people with cigarettes and cash to obtain fake signatures on various voter documents. 

The defendants “admitted their role in a scheme where money and cigarettes were offered to homeless people on Skid Row in exchange for false and forged signatures on ballot petitions and voter registration forms,” the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office said in an announcement this week. 

The admissions of guilt follow another participant in the scheme pleading guilty in February to taking part in the fraudulent activity.  more here

12 Comments on 4 more plead guilty in Los Angeles homeless voter fraud scheme

  1. ” Four Los Angeles residents have pleaded guilty to organizing a voter fraud scheme in the city’s Skid Row”

    And mean while the Libtard Bureaucrats that came up with this idea skate free.

  2. Voting is so crucial that I think voter fraud should be a capital crime.
    The traitors and non-citizen invaders who vote illegally should be put to death.

    Our military men throughout our history suffered and bled to give us the freedom to vote and these scum are subverting that gift. Damn the cheating, scum Democrats!

  3. It’s not the cash or cigarettes that bothers me, but the sexual favors. I don’t think I’m going to volunteer this year, as last year left a bad taste in my mouth.

  4. @ Braden Lynch July 31, 2020 at 5:18 pm,
    I have stated before and will state it again; if every registrar was held personally responsible, under penalty of death, there would be a whole lot less bull shiite going on.


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