Minneapolis Mayor accuses Governor of dragging feet during early unrest – IOTW Report

Minneapolis Mayor accuses Governor of dragging feet during early unrest

Mayor Frey said he knew early on that the situation on the ground was dire

10 Comments on Minneapolis Mayor accuses Governor of dragging feet during early unrest

  1. Pointing your finger at someone leaves three fingers pointing back at you. They are both ass-deep in blame. Hate to say this, but you need hip-waders to get through this one.

  2. Just like the five democRAT state governors (CA, MI, PA, NJ, NY) who deliberately placed COVID infected patients into nursing homes and created nearly 40% of all COVID-19 deaths, this is NOT COINCIDENCE.

  3. Both of the worthless pieces of shit were willing to take credit for fostering and enabling the riots… until they figured out that the public isn’t buying into the bullshit narrative.

  4. Translation: The “Orange Man Bad” narrative is collapsing and the Mayor of Mpls figured it out first and decided to shift the blame to the Governor. I love it when the left turns on itself.

    Between the lines speculation: Jason Lewis my win the Senator’s seat and Mn may go Trump. One can hope.


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