Ron Johnson subpoenas FBI Director Christopher Wray in Crossfire Hurricane investigation – IOTW Report

Ron Johnson subpoenas FBI Director Christopher Wray in Crossfire Hurricane investigation


A top Republican senator subpoenaed FBI Director Christopher Wray on Monday to appear before the Senate and produce “all records” related to the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation into Russian election interference and allegations of Trump-Russia collusion.

The subpoena, a copy of which was obtained by the Washington Examiner, includes a request for the documents the FBI handed over to Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz for his damning report the surveillance of onetime Trump campaign associate Carter Page and the bureau’s reliance on British ex-spy Christopher Steele’s flawed dossier. Sen. Ron Johnson, the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, also demanded Wray deliver documentation connected to requests from November 2016 through December 2017 made to the General Services Administration for presidential transition records — another area where Republicans have long contended abuses took place to go after those in Trump’s orbit unfairly. more here

18 Comments on Ron Johnson subpoenas FBI Director Christopher Wray in Crossfire Hurricane investigation

  1. As mentioned in a different thread, where have the Republicans in the Senate been? The Horowitz report came out 9 months ago. Why are we only seeing this happen now?

    I do understand why they are pushing this now with the election coming up, but that is no excuse for not doing anything earlier.

  2. Time goes by, bye bye…then Trump can be put into prison for whatever Wray, Comey et al have done. Hillary will visit for fun and a deal made where she gets the Trump Real Estate in exchange for the Trump family, particularly Baron, signing a plea deal…The world has changed and the Left Rules..

  3. Another problem I have with this – will anything happen? The Senate has shown no interest in actually holding anyone to account. Why bother if the worst that might happen is a strongly worded slap on the wrist?

  4. Yea, so? So what are they actually going to do about it?

    It is incidences wherein these individuals are not prosecuted alone that have left me with no other logical position than the utter contempt in which I hold the Republican establishment. It is that any time they have the opportunity to take a principled stand the have to be dragged kicking and screaming to do so and then all they do is bla, bla, bla, yada, yada, yada, yaba daba do and Jimmy cracked corn and I don’t care.

    They run their big fat pie holes, but no one in their right mind believes they are going to actually do what they have a sworn duty to do.

  5. Incoming rant…

    Oh how fun, the Republicans are “going to grill him.” AKA get their soundbite for the people who think that talk equals action. I’m so fucking done with all of it.
    Our government is corrupt and broken beyond the point of fixing it by voting. The status quo is insulated from change by career politicians bought and paid for by the highest bidder of whatever special interest group they think will help fund the next election campaign.
    They tax us at approximately 50% of our income. Which means that in a two income home, 100% of one person’s income goes to the government. That’s called slavery.
    They spend taxpayer money on painting “Black Lives Matter“ on public streets and then having 20+ police officers protect it from their own constituency who don’t want it there. They then block the opposing viewpoints from being allowed to to voice their protected first amendment ideological based freedom of speech on public roadways. That, my friends is called taxation without representation.
    Our country is being conditioned to except martial law by being locked in our homes and told that we must wear masks by executive order. These executive orders come from the same corrupt politicians who have stock in pharmaceutical companies. This is a direct conflict of interest.
    Day after day I watch videos of cities being burned and looted, police and citizens being injured. All the while being gaslighted by a corrupt media that is nothing more than the propaganda wing of whatever corporate political ideology their stockholders and board members hold.
    Democrats and Republicans are the same political party. They argue over fringe issues so that we the people can have a team to fight for. They intentionally and continuously try to keep the population divided because they know it is easier to manipulate and control a population that is divided rather than united. Meanwhile, as we are fighting each other they are united in looting this country and openly undermining the values this country was based upon. Freedom, individual liberty, the right to self-defense, the right to assemble, the right to life. They don’t even try to hide it anymore.
    The reason you exercise is to keep your body strong. If we do not exercise our individual rights they become anemic and those who have granted themselves the authority over your God-given human sovereignty will dominate you through the strength of legal mandate and the fear of retaliation from a militaristic government agency.
    Unless the American public wakes up and stops fighting with each other and becomes united in fighting against actual tyranny, this war is lost. The experiment is over.

    RISE UP.

  6. Memo to Republicans:
    Do you want to have the majority in either house? Show us something. “Can’t we all just get along” is not going to get out the base to support you. You will get the default vote from DJT supporters, but it will not help you in any way. Be disruptive. Push back. Stand up.

    I will support anyone with an R next to their name, but I fail to see how that will get more people to vote for you.

  7. This is pure theater, nothing more. It is Durham who can impanel a Grand Jury and hand down indictments. Barr has already given Durham authority, he is right now the most powerful man in America; his report, along with the timing of using his newly acquired stick can determine the election. That, and whether Biden remains in his basement and refuses to debate.

  8. “Wray spends the day doing as little as he can another worthless pick!“

    Nonsense, Extirpates. Wray is diligently tracking down and arresting the Boogaloo Boys and the White Supremo Umbrella Men who are instigating the violence in the Peaceful Protests.


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