Child Hating Toy Makers – IOTW Report

Child Hating Toy Makers

Retailers Pull Sickening Toy From Shelves After One Mom’s
Social Media Post – And It’s a Wake-Up Call For Parents

Mommy Underground – One of the greatest challenges presented to parents in the last few years has been finding appropriate entertainment that has not been corrupted by the agenda of the Left.

Children’s programming on television, films, books, and even toys have increasingly promoted the LGBTQ agenda, which many believe is an attempt to groom our children to normalize these lifestyles and further eradicate traditional values.

And now parents are in an uproar and social media is abuzz with controversy over what is perceived as an intentional attempt to groom our children.

The Trolls cartoon series has been popular in recent years, loved by most children for its colorful characters and scenery, but main character Poppy – a bright pink female troll — has particularly appealed to little girls.

The franchise includes a television series, as well as the most popular digital release of the last few months, the Trolls World Tour.

Read here what the sick bastards tried to pull off.

9 Comments on Child Hating Toy Makers

  1. @Bob – we bought scopes for our BB rifles, after we hooked up with Phenry at an ‘outdoorsman’ huge place.

    There was no .22LR ammo and that caliber is always my go to have for the learning crew…as well as me.

    Thank GOD we never had to deal, or allowed, with the bullshit of these stupid troll things. We like toy trains…027 scale, Lionel, Polar Express is a specialty.

    The Worlds Greatest Hobby some say…

  2. Having grandkids I have learned how hard it is. When they’re with me, I watch every cartoon with them, something I never worried about with my own kids. Thank goodness for DVDs, because I bought many old Tom and Jerry(one of their favorite cartoons), Roadrunner and Wyle Coyote, Bugs Bunny, Popeye, Foghorn Leghorn, etc. cartoons for them to watch when Grandpa is watching them.

    Thankfully though their parents are raising them oldschool and they both like guns, bows and arrows, cars and my granddaughter likes horses, unicorns and baby dolls. Plus they play board games, ring toss, frisbee, and all ball.
    I don’t think they can pervert those things.


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