Cher Wants To Volunteer To Work At The Post Office – IOTW Report

Cher Wants To Volunteer To Work At The Post Office


Conspiracy theory-flinging left-wing pop star Cher began looking into volunteering at her local United States Post Office, cataloging her actions in a series of bizarre tweets, in which she asked her 3.8 million Twitter followers if volunteering at the USPS is possible.

“Can ppl volunteer at post office!?” asked Cher of her Twitter followers on Wednesday. More

36 Comments on Cher Wants To Volunteer To Work At The Post Office

  1. …It’s actually pretty hilarious that the Post Office didn’t seem to know who she was or give her the star treatment when she opened with “This Is Cher”. Bet she’s pretty butthurt about THAT.

    …odds are that the angry Black woman who answered the phone, when told it was Cher, said “WHO?”

    …I don’t think Cher was EVER popular in the ‘hood, and since she’s, like, 115 now and sucked to BEGIN with, I doubt ANY of the kids know or care who she was…

    …although I’m not sure why she’s worried about being fingerprinted, far as I know the only crime scene her fingerprints are on is the murder of Greg Allman’s career…

  2. “odds are that the angry Black woman who answered the phone,”

    No man, that’s the DMV. California postal workers are all pot smoking white or Jamaican peeps. Well baked.

  3. Bad_Brad
    AUGUST 20, 2020 AT 7:29 PM
    ““odds are that the angry Black woman who answered the phone,”

    No man, that’s the DMV. California postal workers are all pot smoking white or Jamaican peeps. Well baked.”

    …if I could only show you the picture I took of my local Post Office socially distanced line with ONE very large, very, VERY choleric Black female package chucker behind the counter, you’d see what I was talking about, she was ANYTHING but mellow…

  4. Last time I was at the Post Office two employees were about to go to blows right if front of the customers. Both lifers in the world of postage. One of them was a woman and that’s where I put my money. I was looking around for the AKs.

  5. @ SNS

    Ya made me look up choleric.

    Thank you.

    Would have sworn it had to do with cholera. Didn’t make sense that way. Guess my circle of friends speak Low American. 🙂

    (Thinking of a High German, Low German, Mountain German, etc. comparison)

  6. Dadof4
    AUGUST 20, 2020 AT 7:57 PM

    “Guess my circle of friends speak Low American.”

    …you wound me, Sir, that you don’t consider me among your circle of friends…;)

  7. (To the tune of “I’ve Got You Babe)

    “They say I’m old and I don’t know
    What’s the way the letter sorting go
    Well I don’t know how do stamps glue
    But I’m just there to turn the ballots blue

    We’ll use flu babe
    To turn blue babe

    They say that Trump won’t pay our rent
    Before it’s earned, our money’s all been spent
    I guess that’s so, but we’ll tax you
    We’ll take your all and more before we’re through,

    You’re so screwed babe
    By the flu babe

    I got ballots in the trunk
    There’s no postmark, who’d a thunk?
    And while it’s sad, old Joe’s a clown
    You should be scared, he’s still around

    Don’t let them say you are nuts
    ‘Cause you want Joe and his Jamacan slut
    Then put your hand in the mail slot
    Pull out the reds and flush ’em down the pot
    We’ll rule you babe
    Because the flu babe

    We’ll rule you…”
    (NO apologies to crazy Democrat lady, she wants to RUIN us with her crazy…)

  8. @willysgoatgruff – if you’ve been to Malibu recently you would know how true that is.
    I vividly recall a homeless guy, with his grocery cart full of stuff, hanging out in the driveway of Nobu, Larry Ellison’s exclusive oceanside restaurant.

  9. @Supernightshade —

  10. Bad_Brad
    AUGUST 20, 2020 AT 8:30 PM
    “Maybe one of those adhesive tape moisteners. I’m not sure how long the old gal could hold her legs in the air for anymore though.”

    …given her age and the lack of activity that would accompany old, ugly, and crazy, her labia likely make Death Valley look moist by comparison, so DISQUALIFIED…

    …although speaking of Death Valley, that circles us back to Greg Allman, since that was his pet name for her furburger after the divorce…

  11. 99th Squad Leader
    Old Sonny wasn’t much of a skier, but he was a conservative. If his ghost is present during her shift on the table, it’ll be one paper cut after another. She’ll look like a Pastrami Sandwich by the time she’s done. LOL

  12. You’re on a roll, Bad_Brad – too funny! If anyone deserves being haunted by her long suffering ex husband, it’s Cher. She’s an obnoxious old dingbat and starting to sound like Crazy Uncle Joey.

  13. 99th Squad Leader

    I always find it amazing that these entertainers that have had little to no education think they are smart enough to tell us common folk how we should think. I believe I read Cher has a 6th grade education.

  14. Hey, Bad_Brad I knew Sonny Bono was a conservative and his second wife, Mary Bono served the rest of his term. Looks like she’s RINO.
    From her Twitter page;
    Mary Bono
    Jul 18
    “Rarely do I absolutely drop to the ground with an acute & profound sadness, but the death of my friend and colleague John Lewis takes me there quickly” *barf*

  15. You know Bad_Brad, it may be more about the IQ of these numb brained celebrities. My grandmother had an eighth grade education and smart enough to teach college students, if she had finished her education.

  16. 99th Squad Leader

    ” it may be more about the IQ of these numb brained celebrities.”
    Oh no doubt. My dad had a high school education and accomplished quite a few amazing mechanical benchmarks. He still hold a couple patents. Those Hollywierd types live in an echo chamber. Not helpful.

  17. “Those Hollywierd types live in an echo chamber.” Exactly, Bad_Brad.
    Also, The Greatest generations our parents and grandparents were part of put the Soy generations – Gen X, Millennial and Gen Z to shame.
    You know what, in general celebrities have always been dumber than a box of rocks. The exception are most conservative celebrities – smart enough to not be liberal lap dogs.


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