Rioters’ Bail Funds Receive Support from Pro-Sandinista Groups – IOTW Report

Rioters’ Bail Funds Receive Support from Pro-Sandinista Groups

WFB: Two groups that provide operational support for six bail funds in the nation’s largest cities have a lengthy history of supporting socialist militants in Latin America.

The Alliance for Global Justice (AfGJ) and the Movement Alliance Project (MAP) together provide administrative assistance to half a dozen bail charities operating in Arizona, Colorado, New York, Pennsylvania, and Vermont. The AfGJ has a lengthy track record of pro-Sandinista organizing in Latin America, while MAP models itself on the Mexican Zapatistas, a militant front for socialist revolutionaries.

A celebrity-led fundraising effort directed some $90 million to community bail funds in the days and weeks following the death of George Floyd. Ostensibly donated to assist protesters, at least some of that money has provided an unprecedented cash boon to bail charities operating under the auspices of extreme groups. more

Prominent Colombian Socialist and Former Guerrilla Endorses Joe Biden.

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