Trump Admin Makes Additional 2.3 Million Acres Available for Hunting, Fishing – IOTW Report

Trump Admin Makes Additional 2.3 Million Acres Available for Hunting, Fishing


The Trump Administration opened another 2.3 million acres of public land for hunting and fishing on Tuesday.

Fox News reported that the newly available acreage is being “touted as the largest historic expansion of its kind.” It represents the “single largest” expansion of hunting and fishing opportunities to occur throughout the history of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The new access opens up hunting and fishing opportunities at “138 national wildlife refuges and 9 national fish hatcheries.”

On August 18, U.S. Interior Secretary David Bernhardt tweeted:

On the heels of @realDonaldTrump signing the most significant conservation and recreation funding in U.S. history, the Trump Administration has now made an additional 2.3 million acres accessible to new hunting and fishing opportunities.


13 Comments on Trump Admin Makes Additional 2.3 Million Acres Available for Hunting, Fishing

  1. HAH! More screaming at the sky and ‘splody heads soon to follow! We all could take effective trolling lessons from President Trump, the Master of that trade.

  2. Probably in fuckin’ Idaho or Montana.

    Gee, thanks for giving us little shits permission to pay fees and license money, show ID, be vetted by what ever state to dip a baited line in a body of water and maybe catch a fish.

    Think I’m bitter?
    Bet yer’ ass!

    Got no problems buying a “license to fish”. Haven’t missed a year for the last 40. But I don’t fish for the last ten. The fucking regulations read like tax instructions. Areas, bodies of water, species, dates, methods of capture, it never ends. Any average person could be fishing illegally and without a lawyer not be aware.

    So I just don’t. Fish that is. But I still buy the license, hoping the money does some good.

  3. ….so when can we start hunting Democrats in their native habitats like Portland and Seattle?

    …I’m just gonna collect ears, though, the rest of the years are revolting…

  4. We should start a rumor that Trump is paying a bounty on democrats. Turn in their ears like a coyote for bounty. Then watch em cut their own off to prevent it. Dumbasses. Won’t be able to wear glasses!

  5. Lowell what state are you in ?
    I have fished in most of the west and Canada (BC) Hunted in Oregon, Washington and Idaho most of the fees go to game management so we can all get out there and find game (Maybe). No rules no game or fish.
    What do you want shoot 20 Deer and 20 Elk a year, fish out every stream and then bitch where did they all go. I hate paying the fees also but it keeps us in the woods,and fishing.
    And yes I agree with you we pay to much so the hikers can go spend a day in the woods and want us to leave bambi alone.

  6. Was rowing my little fishin’ boat away from the dock at the boat launch a few days ago. Was rowing because a female great white whale was swimming in the boat launch area. No problem, I got oars for that. The whale wanted to flirt with me as I rowed past her so she asked, “You got a license for that?”

    My answer, “I got a license plate on the truck that pulled the trailer. I have a license to drive the truck. I have a license plate on the trailer that carried the boat. I have a license on the boat. I have a Coast Guard license to operate a commercial 50 ton vessel. I have a fishing license. Which license do you want to see?”

    Three people fishing on the dock started laughing.

  7. All Prez Trump needs to do now to complete the process is to abolish the NMFS so-called MPA Marine Protected Areas and so-called HAPC Habitat Area of Particular Concern and sweeping underwater “National Monuments”. These are underwater marine zoos where commercial and recreational fishermen are not allowed to fish for anything…EVER. This is a nightmarish wetdream of the billions-funded professional Environmental Industry.

    For decades, respected traditional marine biologists have fought against these fascist fish zoos. They say that time-tested traditional methods are all that’s needed to protect these areas from overfishing. Things like season closures during spawning periods, gear restrictions, etc are all thats needed. But they also say that traditional methods of fisheries regulation require the chair-moistening bureaucrats to get off their asses and out of their offices to do their damn jobs. Traditional marine biologists say that MPA’s and HAPC’s are a lazy way to manage fisheries and an unneeded over-reaction.

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