Joe Biden’s mysteriously disappearing “Dislikes” on YouTube – IOTW Report

Joe Biden’s mysteriously disappearing “Dislikes” on YouTube

The number of DNC convention ‘Dislikes’ on video streams dropped Friday below where they stood Thursday night, causing suspicion YouTube might be suppressing negative engagement for Biden. more

10 Comments on Joe Biden’s mysteriously disappearing “Dislikes” on YouTube


    These are not American companies.
    They’re globalist entities.
    As are CNN, Disney, Universal, and so on and so on.
    And they want to interfere in US politics,
    all in the name of a dollar.

  2. Today’s American Thinker has an article called Our Dystopian future under Biden/Harris by John Foley which starts with the lyrics from a Frank Zappa song from the mid 70’s called I’m the slime about how TV controls our lives. Boy was he ever right and it’s a great song too, Frank Zappa was a musical genius.

  3. The most fun I have on YT:

    A few times a day I comment on a pro-Biden vid with the usual “I’m Joe Biden and I forget this message.”

    The stammering fat fingered leftie replies are hilarious.
    Pro-Trump readers howl with laughter.

  4. @geoff the aardvark:

    Frank Zappa was a musical genius.

    Yes, but more importantly he was a genius at understanding modern American culture. The only other person I can think of who was on his level was George Carlin.


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