Gahead Joe, You Can Have My AR-14 – IOTW Report

Gahead Joe, You Can Have My AR-14


22 Comments on Gahead Joe, You Can Have My AR-14

  1. Quite a plan someone has for us. Disarm us, release all the felons in prison, refuse to prosecute ANTIFABLM, however prosecute anybody that fights back against them, and open the borders to anybody that wants to enter. This is their vision. WTF? Anarcho Tyrannical Bullshit.

  2. Powerful video – a little shorter and it could shown at the Republican convention

    Brad – I’d be willing to bet that behind that plan sits a decrepit old man with a God-complex, who see’s it as his last mission in life to take down the United States of America.

  3. He really does want your AR-14.

    It was made by Armalite, very very rare, never went into production.

    Source: Quora (there is a diagram)

    Looks a lot like a remington model 4 or 7400 but fed through the stock.

    Joe might know that this would be a heck of a collectors item and just wants to fuck you out of your money & use it to help pay back that huge sum of money that was used to pay down some of Hunters debts/mortgage that were in the news a few weeks ago.

  4. Join the NRA, support their education and competition programs. It is very important.

    They rely on numbers to do what they do as far as 2nd Amendment is concerned. Money given to them that is unconstrained or to the NRA-ILA will be wasted and/or used to support extravagant living by the LaPierre cabal.

    Gun Owners of America (GOA) is a great place to donate to support 2nd Amendment issues.

    Benefactor NRA member (the very highest level) and father of three Life NRA members. Life member of GOA.

  5. @ NRA Sucks AUGUST 22, 2020 AT 3:58 PM

    Be careful of painting with a broad brush. You obviously do not know what you are talking about.

    The NRA-ILA will dry shave you every chance they get. But without the NRA education and competition programs attracting the young and keeping them interested there is no future. The NRA-ILA is a mare’s nest, chockablock full of backstabbers and self promoters who move back and forth between the NRA-ILA and political positions. Back room deal cutting is what can be expected from them at this point.

    That being said having a large number of NRA members does give them effectiveness when they actually manage to get results something accomplished. So join.

    You have to be smart about what you post regarding the NRA. Donations can be constrained and not given indiscriminately to the NRA.

  6. We need the NRA back a Wayne gone. I did a yearly earlier this month and I’m going to wait and see where they go.
    BUT, the NRA has the infrastructure in place to fight the gun grabbers

  7. When I raised pups I gave NRA members a $25 discount. The membership cost $25. If they didn’t go become a member I took the $25 and bought a deserving youngster a membership. I bought a few dozen. It was money well spent.

  8. It’s not a coincidence that Hitler, after being convicted of TREASON, spent 9 months in prison.
    Our corrupt judiciary is grooming another Hitler out of that ATIFA-BLM-Soros infestation.
    Clapper, Brennan, and Comey subverted the entire spook apparatus while HRC soiled State and Holder and Lynch perverted Justice. They (and more) are in the hands of totalitarians who are actively seeking our destruction – and so are many of our States – CA, IL, HI, MI, NM, MD, VA, WA, OR, NY, MA, MN – for all practical purposes, third world parasitic shitholes only situated within the United States – not really American (should probably be the cities therein, not the entire states).

    izlamo delenda est …


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