Kenosha: Black Man Shot In Domestic Disturbance; Riots Ensue, Curfew Declared – IOTW Report

Kenosha: Black Man Shot In Domestic Disturbance; Riots Ensue, Curfew Declared


Riots erupted in Kenosha, Wisconsin, Sunday evening after it appears Kenosha Police officers shot Jacob Blake, a black man, in the back seven times after he did not follow police orders and continued to get into his car. After the shooting, officers provided medical aid and Blake was then transferred to the hospital. More

51 Comments on Kenosha: Black Man Shot In Domestic Disturbance; Riots Ensue, Curfew Declared

  1. Honestly. I don’t care. There. I said it.

    Cousin says he was breaking up a fight between 2 women, well, why did he try to leave the scene? Mama trouble? Baby mama trouble? Was he the one fighting with them? Beating one of their asses? See, no one knows what happened before the shooting and none of them care what happened- they just want to riot. Any excuse any reason. No facts, just riots.

    Fuck all of them. Truly. I mean it.

  2. Oh one more thing:

    “Police were called to the area for a domestic incident and witnesses said Blake was trying to break up a fight between two women. Witnesses also said police used a taser.”

    And he still got up and stomped to his car like it was nothing.
    And all the chicken heads from the house now aren’t mad at him for bringing the mess to their house, right? lol.

    Just like the women who get their asses beat, bruises all over their bodies, cops come to clean up the mess, and the women are mad at the cops.
    Yeah, that seems logical.

  3. …I saw this video, and it looks like there’s a gun on the ground at the end. I would be very suspicious of a guy stomping past me and reaching into his vehicle where I can’t see through him to what he’s doing/getting, and I responded to MANY domestic violence calls as a medic back in the day, and THAT shit is ALWAYS super dangerous to BEGIN with, because ALL the players INCLUDING the person being beaten are likely to turn on YOU as soon as YOU turn up, and I can tell you from experience that EVERYONE with a nice shirt on is liable to be attacked as a LEO by the participants as they don’t know, or care, who anyone is or what they’re there for, you’re an outsider and must be killed.

    The cop had a choice, I’m sure he knew what the optics were, but in his position, from what I’ve seen of the videos, I would have expected him to come up with a gun, too. In his place, with guy acting like he did, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have done the same thing. It’s one thing when you’re watching this from across the street on a tiny screen in your comfortable home; it’s quite another when you have 200 pounds of enranged young, strong man 2 feet away from you who wants to kill you and seems to be securing the means to do so.

    I know THAT from experience, too. The people making these YouTube judgments know NOTHING about ACTUALLY dealing with these things. I’d suggest a ride-along, but I wouldn’t want MOST of these assholes anywhere NEAR the FRONT seat of a police car…

    On a side note, I don’t seem to remember riots when a Black man shot a 5 year old White boy point blank in the head for the heinous crime of riding a bicycle on his lawn. Seems like if we must attack ALL cops for ONE, then there should be a very similar response for making ALL thugged-out Black men pay for the crimes of THAT guy, just sayin’…

  4. …now look what their fuckhead Democrat governor said.

    “”Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin. Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. While we do not have all of the details yet, what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country. We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity, and accountability for Black lives in our country—lives like those of George Floyd, of Breonna Taylor, Tony Robinson, Dontre Hamilton, Ernest Lacy, and Sylville Smith. And we stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites.I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long.”

    Let’s parse his inflammitory statement;

    “”Tonight, Jacob Blake was shot in the back multiple times, in broad daylight, in Kenosha, Wisconsin.”

    …ok, that much is true, but wait, it gets worse…

    “Kathy and I join his family, friends, and neighbors in hoping earnestly that he will not succumb to his injuries. ”
    …also possibly true although Democrats ususally don’t give a shit about their pawns, but we’ll give him a pass becuase he may want the guy to live so he can be a BLM riot starter later on.

    “While we do not have all of the details yet…”
    …see THAT? FRAME it, it’s the last true thing he says, and where he SHOULD have stopped RIGHT THERE, because he DOESN’T know about this yet, and SHOULDN’T prejudge everyone because it may cause sensless and needless violence and murder, even of 5 year old children… but he’s a Democrat, so…

    “…what we know for certain is that he is not the first Black man or person to have been shot or injured or mercilessly killed at the hands of individuals in law enforcement in our state or our country.”
    …OK, WTF does ANY of those have to do with THIS? do you REALLY need to modify “killed” with “mercilessly” unless you WANT riots? And do you need to say “BLACK”? Because IT’S A FACT THAT FAR MORE WHITE PEOPLE DIE BY POLICE SHOOTINGS THAN BLACK PEOPLE, IT ISN’T ISOLATED JUST TO ONE SKIN COLOR LIKE YOU ARE MAKING IT SEEM.

    “We stand with all those who have and continue to demand justice, equity, and accountability for Black lives in our country—lives like those of George Floyd, of Breonna Taylor, Tony Robinson, Dontre Hamilton, Ernest Lacy, and Sylville Smith. ”
    …just say “We Stand With Criminals, Murderers, and Riotors, BLM for short” and be done with it, eh? And nice list, but again, WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT HAVE TO DO WITH WISCONSIN LAST NIGHT? NONE of those cops OR those people were THERE, and YOU DON’T HAVE THE FACTS ABOUT THOSE EITHER, JUST THE MEDIA SPIN! The ONLY purpose of that is, again, to get White people, WHO ARE CONSITIUENTS OF HIS, randomly attacked, robbbed, raped, and murdered. Nice, huh?

    “And we stand against excessive use of force and immediate escalation when engaging with Black Wisconsinites.”
    …but excessive use of force and immediate escalation is totes OK if it’s against WHITE Wisconsinites? “Yeah, fuck THOSE guys even though they are my citizens TOO, the media says they’re all rayyyciss so, ok, they’re all rayyciss and you can do what you want. Also, even though I’m a lifelong politican and have NEVER had to fight for MY life because I’ve ALWAYS been surrounded by heavily armed policemen like the ones I’m condeming TODAY, I’m SURE I know better than THEY what the right way to escalate is, and they should just man up and take one for the team and let the bad guys kill a few LEOs FIRST, so it looks better at my press confernce next time”.

    “I have said all along that although we must offer our empathy, equally important is our action. In the coming days, we will demand just that of elected officials in our state who have failed to recognize the racism in our state and our country for far too long.”
    …I am VERY empathetic.
    …to the COPS.
    …because of fuckers like YOU putting them IN this situation where they can’t let people stalk off and get a gun or whatever because it’s theyre JOB to STOP him, but YOU make it IMPOSSIBLE to DO that job and do everything you CAN to make them hated while denying them the use of the tools they have to deal with the situation at hand. You ARE right that we need to hold racist elected officials accountable, because YOU are the racist elected official, you and ALL Democrats, who CONTINUE to say all cops are bad, all White people are racist, all Black people are good and noble, and that there’s NO possiblity, EVEN THOUGH YOU ALREADY ADMITTED YOU DON’T HAVE THE FACTS, that a White cop would shoot a Black person for ANY reason other than he just HATES Black people.

    You’re RIGHT, you fucker, we NEED to hold racist elected officials LIKE YOU accountable, you race-baiters, you riot genrators, you soulless bastards so enamored of your own power and the visions of power to come that you would sacrifice a nation to GENOCIDE to enhance it, you DO need to be held accountable.

    Held by a ROPE.

    Until you are DEAD DEAD DEAD.

    …the Civil War can’t come soon enough…

  5. How many useless cops can you pack in one area? Is that what they consider controlling the scene? And, of course there is a gun in the car. These cops suck and the optics suck. Interestingly enough there was no hesitation shooting this POS but when confronted by a mob shooting at them they don’t do shit. They should have pinned this guys ass down on arrival. For his safety and theirs.

  6. I really wish this did not happen, especially this week due to the RNC.

    Did not look like the 3 coppers had control of the situation by letting him walk around to the car in the first place.

    I’m not a cop and it is a very short video clip.
    I have no right to judge, but they gave him way to much space to walk around and endanger everyone.

    Putting someone in cuffs in also a means of protecting the person being questioned.

  7. MJA AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 9:23 AM

    “Just like the women who get their asses beat, bruises all over their bodies, cops come to clean up the mess, and the women are mad at the cops.”

    Yeah, that seems logical.”

    …no, it’s NOT logical.
    …but it happens ALL THE TIME.

    I’ve worked a LOT with battered women, even my own sister was beaten by a guy who is where he belongs now, in a grave that I regularly piss on, and I’ve been attacked by battered women who wanted ME, their EMT for the night, out of the way so they could jump on the cop arresting the guy who beat them bloody, so I got a little more familiar with the psychology here than I EVER wanted.

    Battered women put up with it for many reasons, fear being a big one, but there’s a BUNCH of other stuff in there, too. Some don’t want to admit failure in their marriage. Some think they can change him (and no, they CAN’T). Some are beaten to the point they think they DESERVE it. And some came from abusive homes themselves and are SO beat down for SO long that they come to think of a beating as a SIGN OF AFFECTION. There’s some other things in there too, but a complete list would exhaust even MY overlong ablities because it would be as long as the history of crazy in mankind, because it goes back to the roots of mankind and things burned into our DNA far beyond breasts and penises, and even I am daunted by it.

    There DO seem to be ‘cultural’ differences too, with Black women LESS likely to admit to a beating or call the cops/ambulance if they GET one, so generally when you’re to that point in a BLACK community, things are WAYYYY off the rails and at least ONE of them’s in pretty bad shape.

    They do get mad and violent THEMSELVES when you take the beater…usually, but not ALWAYS, a man…away, for a bunch of reasons, too.

    THAT’S MY MEAL TICKET! is a BIG one.

    HE WILL BEAT ME IF I DON’T SHOW UP FOR HIM NOW! is another. This one is aggrvated by the fact that they guy WILL get out soon, probably that NIGHT, and he WON’T be happy when he comes home…

    I CAN HIT HIM BUT YOU CAN’T! is actually kind of a “Family” thing and sometimes extends to non-marital relationships as well.

    I HATE COPS has ALWAYS been an old reliable even in MY day, but I would guess that NOW, because of Democrats, it is MUCH, much WORSE.

    HE ONLY BEATS ME BECAUSE HE LOVES ME! as I said before, this comes out more than you might THINK, and it’s pretty ingrained, you CAN’T shake them off THIS one most times, maybe some brain peeper somewhere can, but this seems to be baked in from childhood in some cases.

    I DESERVED IT! Man, I REALLY hate THIS one. This is usually becuase some guy has not only BEATEN his wife/girlfriend/other female relation, but has ALSO gaslit her for YEARS to believe it’s TRUE. So she’s gonna feel like she “deserves” it even MORE when the fucknut comes BACK, and may even lower her head or even take off her clothes so he can beat her properly and efficiently.

    NOT IN FRONT OF THE KIDS! is a weird one because the kids have generally been scarred for life by the domestic violence long BEFORE it gets to the point where cops and medics become involved, but for some reason a woman is OK with the kids seeing Baby Daddy break her ARM for his drug money, but NOT OK with the kids seeing the COPS arrest the bastard. These are partiucarly disgusting because you KNOW they are setting the children up for the SAME life, because they come to think of this as NORMAL.

    …and on, and on, and on, again, there’s as many reasons as there is crazy, and there’s a LOT of crazy…

    But all of this is something a LEO who’s got ANY time in service finds out about the HARD way. I don’t know about this PARICULAR situation, but it would NOT be unusual that this guy decided he was gonna kill one of the WOMEN, stated so, and got tunnel vision when he went back to the car to the point where he was simply not CARING about the LEO because he was focused on capping HER. It DOES happen, and it’s a nasty, nasty thing to see when you’re laying on top of a patient with your back exposed as her meat shield while the LEOS scuffle behind you and (you HOPE) get the gun away from him before YOU feel the flames of his anger, as well as that .44 round…

    …also, I won’t go into my sister much but I will say this.
    She took GREAT pains to conceal it, never talked to my other siblings about it, or my father, or to anyone I might myself talk to, and usually unexpectedly cancelled out of family gathering if she had something on her face that wouldn’t heal in time.

    She DID talk to my mother so I found out some things from BOTH of them well after dude was dead, but Mom didn’t wanna share with ME because she didn’t want me in jail.

    Because both of them knew what would happen if I found out.

    And had very good reasons for it.

    And my memory is as short on details as the Statues of Limitations are long, so that’s as far as I’ll go.

    But that’s a beaten woman psychology, TOO.

    Protect others from what happens if THEY give “hubby” what he deserves.

    Wife beaters are just like child abusers to me, there is only ONE cure for it.

    And it DOESN’T involve prison.

    Unless it’s for just long enough to build the gallows…

  8. How many more examples are needed before people comply with police officers orders? The officer that shot clearly had the service weapon out of the holster before Blake made his way to the vehicle, why?

    Wouldn’t a normally functioning human being understand that as a clear escalation towards a violent confrontation?

  9. Kcir – (Trudeau, prime minister blackface 3 times) AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 10:13 AM
    “I really wish this did not happen, especially this week due to the RNC.”

    …yeah, funny timing, that. Almost like it was on PURPOSE…

  10. The guy survived that? Damn…
    If only they had sent a social worker instead of police…(sarc off).
    I noticed a gun fell out of the car immediately after the first shots fired.

  11. The Mayor of Kenosha is a Democrat serving since 1992 so the entire police force is effectively a creation of his. SNS beat me to it when he dissected the Governor of Wisconsin and showed his remarks as contributing and encouraging the rioters instead of doing what a real Governor would do which would be to calm down the situation. This is likely a battleground state (Trump won it with less then a 25,000 vote lead) so he can be expected to be attacked on this however it could be very dangerous for the Dems as it happened under their watch.

  12. Apparently, black people don’t have to follow the law anymore. And if you make any of them do so, they bring in all their white communist buddies to burn your town down.

  13. @ scr_north AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 11:02 AM

    Our Mayor here spent the better part of a May – July of this year trying to instigate rioting here predicated on the shooting about a year ago of a guy who was pulling people out of their vehicles and then lifted a cop and tossed him to the pavement like a rag doll. Thankfully her bullshit did not resonate.

    Ergo, these Democrat Mayors and governors are more likely than not implementing a strategy that has come down from on high.

  14. Always assume PPOW (Parole, Probation or Outstanding Warrants)


    Like Bad_Brad said, swarm and pin ‘em down like everybody’s life depends on it, because it almost always does.

  15. Bad_Brad
    AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 10:12 AM
    “How many useless cops can you pack in one area? Is that what they consider controlling the scene? ”

    Generally speaking, I think the kids have gotten lazier about this.

    There was a room and contents burn on the top floor of a 3 story business not far from my house last night, so I took the wife and we went there as looky-lous for cheap entertainment. We were kind of late to the party and they alreay had a quint, a ladder, and a pumper laid in, smoke but no visible fire (interior crews had already knocked it down), and had sort of blocked the street with units, but weren’t really doing any crowd control. I walked right up to an uncharged 6″ supply line with the hydrant man with a sightline, and no one said anything, not even when they charged it (pretty late and they didn’t need it, but whatever), so I pulled Wifey back in case they had done a shitty coupling job so we woldn’t get maimed, which is ONE reason you CONTROL that. This was a mature scene too with plenty of manpower, so it wasn’t like they COULDN’T do crowd control, they just…DIDN’T. Trucks were spilled randomly up and down the street, most not positioned well like a child had dumped a Matchbox Fire Chief set onto a street printed play rug, if Incident Command was establised it was invisible, and even the incoming manpower units (one of the MY old agency, but every truck I ever rode on and every one I ever ran with long since retired, so I didn’t know anyone) just got out and stood awkwardly in the middle of the street in SCBA and holding Hallagen tools with no apparent idea of where to go or what to do.

    Meanwhile, everyone in the City was wandering though the fire lines, taking happy snaps with sail phones, stepping over active INTERIOR lines, even sitting on the pumpers like it was some kind of museum display, WHILE THE FIRE WAS STILL BEING ACTIVELY FOUGHT, and NO one challenged them!

    Conspicuous by there absence was ANY LEO presence. This struck me as VERY odd because, in my day, cops were NOTORIOUS fire voyeurs, happy to have front-row seats at an active burn, acting as canaries by trying to do rescues without breathing apparatus, and also for traffic and crowd control whenever they got bored with the fire.

    There were none.

    This may have been because that part of the business district is pretty Black. It was a proudly Black owned smoke shop there, with a Black barbershop with silkscreened Malcom Xs and stuff covering the windows, Black clothing stores (tacky, tacky, tacky), etc., all run by actual Africans but patronized by the American Black sorts, so the crowd was largely Black, too.

    Maybe that was it. Maybe they’ve just given up on scene control and just hope for the best because ACTUAL people control is now too political. Or maybe the kids are just incompetent now, I don’t know.

    We left, pretty disgusted, truth be told. If I’d have run a scene that unprofessionally, I’d have been drummed out as a safety hazard and probably brought up on charges.

    But it’s a Democrat city in a RINO state, near a sactuary city and in a Democrat county.

    And Democrats don’t know how to run anything but their mouths.

    Looking for a new place, if you’re wondering. A couple of acres in 1 hour or so driving distance, another county or, better, another state. Let me know if you know of one.

    But anyhow, that, apparently, IS crowd control in The Current Year 2020, BB. I really do not feel good about the kids taking over, but it won’t matter after I’m dead, so good luck to my son he’s got a tough row to hoe…

  16. Ever since Pres Barky, blacks have an entitlement attitude. Cops pull them over and they ignore orders, argue with the cops, scream racism, resist arrest, fight with the cops, etc, etc, etc. there are now three systems of “justice” in this country; one for the politically-connected elite, one for blacks, and one for the rest of us.

  17. Blacks think that instructions given by police are optional. On occasion, like this incident they learn otherwise.
    They just ask for it, and when it comes they lose control.
    Stupid bastards!

  18. wanted on another domestic abuse warrant , known to the police for previous illegal gun charges , on the sex offenders registar , resisted arrest , failed to comply , reached in his car with intentions unknown !

  19. How many officer involved shootings for domestic violence are recorded per year? I’m sure there’s data on this.

    Cops hate, hate, hate domestic calls more than any other. Oftentimes someone is packing and challenges the cops. Nine times out of ten, the “victim” wants the perp hauled off to jail (a night of respite) and inevitably refuses to press charges afterwards. It’s not uncommon cops are called to the same residence time and time again.

    Bottom line….handle your shit, kick your a-hole spouse out, get out of the relationship, but quit expecting LE to referee your poor life choices that you’re unwilling to resolve yourself.

  20. @Dr Tar “I don’t know how many Jacob Blakes there are in Kenosha”

    Unfortunately as of this posting the number seems unchanged. BLM you have worn out your welcome and like every other leftest bent FUp you have accomplished just the opposite. We have heard the retort that “All Lives Matter” well that is also bullshit. This world would be a better place were some no longer in the here and now. It will come out very shortly that this guy was a pile of shit. I pray for the police officers involved.

  21. Talk about bad optics. Seven shots in the back.
    Not good, not good at all. Kenosha is a shithole and this will light the fuse on a stick of Dynomite called BLM.

  22. My guess is that we’ll be seeing a big increase in wife and girlfriend beatings in Kenosha if the cops get railroaded here

    One thing bothers me a lot. It’s almost as if the perp wanted to get shot by the cops. He must have known that he’d get shot; one cop already has his sidearm drawn!! And it’s not a case of suicide by cop; it’s a case of martyrdom by cop. Perhaps blacks now see resisting arrest as so heroic and justified that they’re willing to get themselves shot … to be the next George Floyd

  23. Supernightshade August 24, 2020 at 11:59 am

    It doesn’t take a Rocket Surgeon to figure out what’s going on here. Particularly in shit hole cities run by Libtard Socialists. I don’t think it’s the kids I think it’s management. After three of your most feminine officer ever screw up controlling one suspect, and then shoot his ass, the good city fathers and Mayor of Kenosha obviously gave the order to LE to stand down. Resulting in Seattle East. Kenosha LE’s job is now protect ANTIFABLM. Cops need to start waking up. OR, they are no better than the German Guards standing watch over the concentration camps, just collecting their pay checks.

  24. Why does the cops race matter in all the headlines? And, how was the cop suppose to know he wasn’t reaching for a gun in that vehicle? He certainly wasn’t listening to the cop, or following their instructions… I wonder where he got the idea he didn’t have to comply? A real mystery, huh?! He was a recidivist criminal… Had outstanding warrants… He was previously charged for crimes with a firearm and resisting arrest… Thick in the head was his biggest problem!

  25. listened to some reports.

    He had a warrant. He’s been arrested for assault, child abuse, he’s a sex offender, and waved a loaded gun in bar during a fight (2015).
    The people around him were telling him to stop and not to get into the car.
    And it seems he’s been known as an asshole in the family.

    Edit. cops saw he had a gun.

    The piece of shit dem governor needs to apologize and then permanently STFU.

  26. Bad_Brad
    AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 2:30 PM
    Supernightshade August 24, 2020 at 11:59 am

    “I don’t think it’s the kids I think it’s management.”

    ..that’s true to a point, but ALL uniformed, paramilitary services share with their military brethren that they are NOT to follow an illegal order.

    THAT’S the part that’s on the kids.

    An order to stand idly by while someone’s getting their ass kicked in front of you is illegal.

    An order to ignore major crimes like arson is illegal.

    An order to not even defend YOURSELF is illegal.

    But it doesn’t end THERE.

    When your son was Hot Shotting, if they told him to do something stupid that would endager himself and his unit, do you think he would have complied? Had he been ordered to let people wander around his fireground smoking cigarettes, would he have been OK with it?

    No, because you TAUGHT him better, to protect himself and do a good job.

    Unfortunately, I’m not seeing that HERE.

    If they were acting that way from some stupid order, they should disregard it when it becomes impossible to safely comply. They did that pretty late here.

    That’s like the cluster fuck I saw on the fireground last night. If I didn’t have anything assigned, I’d be at LEAST keeping people off the apparatus and out of the hoses! I DID that job once and you would NOT have had to ORDER me to keep the scene safe, I would have just DONE it.

    And quit if they were dicks about it.

    And that’s what I don’t see these days, is any attempt with the young ones to take initiative, to question things that go against their oath, or to even take care for their own safety even when Command has CLEARLY decided to sacrifice them for political reasons.

    I’m not dying for my employer, or even going to jail for him, nor will I betray my oath even with a direct command. No paycheck is worth it to me.

    But in seems to be paramount to most of the kids NOW, is what I’m saying.

    If these Mayors and Governors had no troops to defend them or obey their insane, political commands, this shit would be OVER.

    …and THAT’S the part I hold the young men and women responsible for…

  27. Why not just put your hands behind your back and follow cops orders? Even if they don’t order you to turn around and put your hands behind your head, we should do it anyways, so they wont feel threatened and shoot us. NOT following police orders is a huge reason people get killed! Cops are certainly afraid for their lives and fraction of seconds decisions will always be to pull out the gun and shoot if afraid of anyone not following orders, placing their hands near their pockets or belt, or accessing their vehicle. They have been trained in this and this is the standard response….

  28. Part of the problem with abuse stems from a cultural acceptance and expectation of it:

    Abused kids grow up to be abusers if only because that’s what becomes a normal behavior (it was role modeled during developmental periods of childhood and internalized).

    I hurt others because I was hurt —- also being hurt is better then not being nothing….(bad attention is better than no attention at all).

    Having police or other authority figures placing themselves between abuser and absuee ask for trouble. No only way out is to stop the circle but our current political climate wants winners/losers and ghetto dwellers who depend on politicians and community organizers to keep them in their place.

  29. This is bad all the way around.

    First, the suspect should have obeyed the cops. The Dems/BLM/Commies (but I repeat myself) have emboldened the blacks to think that obeying the cops is optional. Consequently, the suspect walks away from legitimate orders, never intending to follow them. He either thinks that: A) he doesn’t have to pay attention to an order that, in his mind, is illegitimate. Or B) he thinks that cops are so scared of getting prosecuted he will walk away and not present any threat. Therefore they won’t shoot and he’ll just get away, becoming a street hero to other thugs. Little does he know that getting into a car is threat because he could get out a weapon or run someone over. There is also the controversy that he may, or may not, have had a weapon. Hence his imitation of Swiss Cheese.

    Second, the cops absolutely blew it. They let the situation get out of hand and escalate. They should have gang tackled the guy and/or used Tasers and billy clubs, as previously suggested, on him. They didn’t and consequently had to shoot a guy in the back. They may be hesitant due to all the political stuff going on. If they hadn’t have hesitated to control the guy the shooting would not have occurred.

    Idiots all the way around.

  30. MJA nailed it 100% for my sentiments. Fuck these people, when a cop tells you to stop and has his gun drawn, FUCKING STOP. Argue about it later when they have you cuffed & don’t have to worry about you pulling a weapon.

    But stomp past 5 officers, bend over and reach into your car. FUCK YOU.

  31. Hans
    AUGUST 24, 2020 AT 4:27 PM
    “Part of the problem with abuse stems from a cultural acceptance and expectation of it:

    Abused kids grow up to be abusers if only because that’s what becomes a normal behavior.

    Having police or other authority figures placing themselves between abuser and absuee ask for trouble.”

    …you know, Hans, the first part of what you say is right and I say as much above, but I draw the line at saying the law shouldn’t do anytbing about it, authority figures shouldn’t do anything about it, or even private citizens in a civilized society shouldn’t do anything about it.

    Speaking for myself, if you violently put your hands on a woman or child in front of ME, I’m turning your lights out IMMEDIATELY, maybe for GOOD. I’ve cleaned up after too much of THAT shit have ANY tolerance AT ALL for it

    We can talk about your mental health later, at the hospital, or at your funeral.

    But I’m sure as hell GONNA place myself between abuser and abusee.

    Maybe breaking your face will break the cycle, maybe not.

    But it will DEFINITELY keep you from PERPETUATING it…

  32. @Supernightshade

    I absolutely agree with you. I trained many guards and attendants at many institutions to handle physical violence and physical attacks from chronically and criminally mentally ill people for over a decade. People intervening in those situations need to know that becoming involved will often provoke violent reactions (trouble) far more often than not. That’s why we train and equip people to look for such trouble.

    Also I have a heart for those who have known violence as the only way yet desperately want to break that cycle. I can assure you that I received my share of bumps, cuts, and other assorted injuries dealing with said people.

    Yet 2 principles hold:
    1) Jesus taught me how to love others but he also showed me that I didn’t need to like them.

    2) I learned to hate the sin and not the sinner but that I could never dismiss consequences for the sin by the sinner.

    If we didn’t understand our sinful nature then we’d never understand God’s Grace.


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