Cancelled – IOTW Report


30 Comments on Cancelled

  1. There is no end to the woke virtue signalling, cancel culture mentality. It could go on forever…or until the final one world government lays down the one world rule of acceptable thought, speech and behavior.

  2. @BFH – I completely LOL’d when I watched it the first time and then I watched it again? Not as much…interesting…

    The ginger vs Debbies brunette line was a good one.

    Thanks C! That WAS a good find…

  3. This guys has a shtick and knows how to use it. It is very funny but those of us that can’t stand the PC world anymore have heard it all and are still surprised at how ridiculous is all sounds. And I think this was the message he was trying to send. It is all so silly where we are and where we are going.

    God Bless us all!


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