Planned Parenthood Staff Admit To Performing Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting – IOTW Report

Planned Parenthood Staff Admit To Performing Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting


In a new video released by the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) Monday, Planned Parenthood officials give sworn testimony describing how abortionists alter abortion procedures in order to produce more intact human fetuses and, therefore, more usable fetal tissues and organs that can be sold for profit.

In 2015, the CMP and journalist and activist David Daleiden released a series of videos featuring undercover conversations with Planned Parenthood officials and medical directors. Planned Parenthood and their media allies decried the undercover videos as “edited” and claimed their late-term abortion practices were in complete compliance with the law. As attorney general of California, current vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris, who received tens of thousands of dollars in campaign donations from Planned Parenthood, prosecuted Daleiden for exposing Planned Parenthood’s crimes.

Now, newly unsealed videos of deposition testimonies show these same Planned Parenthood employees confirming under oath what they previously admitted to Daleiden about abortion and fetal tissue harvesting. In the latest video, Planned Parenthood officials testify about their use of paperwork loopholes to feign compliance with federal partial-birth abortion law, as well as how they alter their abortion techniques to obtain intact organs. more

5 Comments on Planned Parenthood Staff Admit To Performing Illegal Partial-Birth Abortions For Better Tissue Harvesting

  1. These are the kind of people that the republican party in Wash DC bends over and surrenders to. “Oh no. I have to surrender and let them murder babies or someone might criticize me”.

    On a better note, blm was marching through a small town in Pa last night and the townspeople told them to stay the fuck out or they would shoot them. Then the townspeople started shooting. Booyah!

  2. Any doctor who’s loopholed a regulation to heap more suffering onto a child deserves a snipers bullet in the head. If there is a coming revolution the abortionists and Planned Parenthood officials better hope they can find a very good hiding spot because I suspect when the rule of law disappears so will they.

  3. In a nutshell- they have to follow established, defined procedures to permit their allowance to perform abortions. To be able to ‘harvest’ organs, they alter the required procedure, claiming that they are adhering to the procedures, but are using a different ‘technique,’ and techniques are not covered by the procedures, to which they comply. It is professional, big dollars lying lawyers at their best.
    Why is such an absurd argument allowed in a court of law?

    They really are harvesting.


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