Let’s keep getting used – IOTW Report

Let’s keep getting used

ht/ jd hasty

16 Comments on Let’s keep getting used

  1. Dan Ryan Galt – Those people will always be out there. We have to recognize that just getting the message out there is what is important and that it isn’t going to happen with the Complicit, Bought & Paid For Main Stream Media. Internet messaging like this is what it takes and with decreasing television ratings and revenue the Internet venue is only getting stronger!

  2. …I remember reading an essay in one of the Darwin Awards books on the distribution of Stupid vs. Smart. This was in rough balance for centuries because, even though there’s a LOT more Stupid than there is Smart, stupid tended to die quicker and more frequently as a result of being stupid, but also bred quicker because stupid doesn’t consider consequences or responsibilities. Dying more also kept Stupid from overwhelming Smart by sheer numbers.

    Then Smart did something really Stupid.

    Smart started looking at how and why Stupid was dying, and started moving to address those causes. The Great Nerfing started where cars were rounded on the outside for Stupid pedestrian safety and given a blimp on the inside for Stupid driver safety, machinery with obvious hazards were supplied with guards and automatic cutoffs so it would stop if Stupid reached into it, GFCIs were invented in case Stupid wanted toast in the bathtub, handrails were put on EVERYTHING so Stupid wouldn’t fall when they were dancing to their headphones on the stairs, guns were given safeties to make it less likely Stupid would shoot their peckers off when they shoved it down their pants, rat poisons were given pictogram warnings against drinking and eating them, food was delivered by planeloads to Stupid to protect them from stupid agricultural policies, even bullets were packaged with cautions against lead poisoning…the list is endless.

    Smart then started being lawyers for Stupid so every time Stupid was injured doing something stupid, Smart would not only make it profitable for them so they could make MORE Stupid, but ALSO forced other Smart to make it harder for Stupid to hurt themselves stupidly in the first place and to force Smart to allow importation of Stupid from Stupid lands into Smart ones, then Smart developed medical and surgical techniques to save Stupid when Stupid stupidly injured itself, even gave Stupid Viagra and artificial insemination so even MORE Stupid was possible.

    And as the world got stupider, Smart pulled back on having children, considering how the world was becoming a place they didn’t want to have children IN because of all the Stupid, and also that they were working overtime to protect Stupid and so were too tired to talk other Smart into sex later, so it became easier just to have sex with Stupid. Genetics always favors Stupid as a dominant because that’s how the system was originally set up, so Smart+Stupid=Stupid in all but rare cases when Stupid had a recessive smart gene as well.

    Meanwhile, deliberate attempts were going on worldwide, most notably in Islam, to use inbreeding to produce a VERY Stupid and violent population that could be easy to rule, so Stupid was now being manufactured in job lots as a tool to beat Smart down with endless cannon fodder.

    All of this in modern times, after 100 years of Nerfing, decades of modern medicine, and centuries of of inbreeding finally produced a tipping point of people stupid enough to vote Democrat, so here we are, trying to push the floodgates of civilization closed yet one more time against the howling seas of the violent and the ignorant that are too stupid to even realize that our destruction will bring theirs as well. Ask Zimbabwe, Haiti, and South Africa how that works. But even as we push against that sea, Democrats stand at the wall spraying fire houses into it to make it even BIGGER, on the mistaken assumption that they are Posideon and will rule that sea once it overwhelms US.

    And it will.

    We may be able to stave the flood tide off for one more generation, but as we also continue to preserve and augment it, it WILL, eventually, but as certainly as the tides destroy us by sheer weight of numbers. Absent a war or an act of God to sharply reduce their numbers…it WILL happen.

    Then they will die back to Stone Age levels without Smart to feed them, bind their wounds, or bury their bodies.

    This is the weapon the Democrats wield.


    Are there yet enough Smart to counter it?

    …we shall soon see…

  3. MMinAR AUGUST 25, 2020 AT 9:25 AM

    “What’s up with Hillary? Has she sworn off mirrors and shampoo?”

    …I’d say it’s been a VERY long time since Hillary’s mirror was her friend.

    If it EVER was.

    …she’s probably long since smashed it because you know how Democrats are about anything that tells the TRUTH, and I certainly wouldn’t want to be the flunky to tell her what she REALLY looks like, would YOU?

    …it’d go something like this..


  4. Thirdtwin AUGUST 25, 2020 AT 9:12 AM
    “The first line, one of the best ever, says it all:

    “My friends feel it’s their appointed duty…””

    ..just like in Islam, go figure…

    “Allah has promised to those of you who believe and do good that he will most certainly make them rulers in the earth as He made rulers those before them, and that He will mot certainly establish for them their religion which He has chosen for them, and that He will most certainly establish for them and that he will most certainly, after their fear, give them security in exchange, they shall serve Me, not associating aught with Me, and whoever is ungrateful after this, these it is who are the transgressors. (Surah Nur 24:55)”

    …funny how they always seem to be on the same page…

  5. It’s a good ad, but I don’t think most democrats will understand it. They will believe the first 15 seconds of the ad is the entire message. It’s a bit to complex for simpletons.


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