Audit exposes Postal Service’s overtime racket as Democrats seek bailout – IOTW Report

Audit exposes Postal Service’s overtime racket as Democrats seek bailout

Just The News: Extra pay grew by billions, even as mail delivery slowed. More than 4,000 workers earned more in OT than base pay.

The U.S. Postal Service has racked up billions of dollars in excessive overtime from its workers over the last several years, even as its employee numbers have gone up and its mail delivery has declined, according to a new audit likely to raise questions about congressional Democrats’ demands for a bailout.

Overtime pay has become so predominant at America’s premier mail delivery service that more than 4,000 postal workers last year actually earned more in OT pay than their base pay, a 429% increase in highly compensated overtime earners since 2014, the agency’s internal watchdog reported this week.

The situation exists in part because postal employees are allowed to determine their own overtime hours without needing prior management approval, and management does not always keep accurate payroll records, the audit report concluded. more here

16 Comments on Audit exposes Postal Service’s overtime racket as Democrats seek bailout

  1. Is that why my mail doesn’t come until after 6:30PM everyday and sometimes no deliveries to the neighbor hood on Saturdays???? For sure you can’t trust a over sized government!!!

  2. This has also been a racket for years in many metropolitan fire and police depts. Pensions are based on the highest income paid in any one year. The employee slated to retire is singled out to receive a massive amount of overtime during his/her last year prior to retiring which often leads to a six figure pension. I checked the New York city fire dept pension records and was shocked to see how many firemen receive well over one hundred thousand dollars per year in pensions. Many also receive over two hundred thousand dollars per year in retirement.

  3. Gov’t at all levels in the US have become/are nothing but mafioso style skimming operations designed to do little more than extract vast wealth from the country and bestow it upon themselves.

    There is no ‘reforming’ gov’t. That’s a joke. There is not one chance in a hundred trillion that anything will be done about any of this.

    We need a new gov’t. Period. And not a marxist gov’t that does nothing more than amplifies the existing corruption.

  4. we have the same exact thing with our UNION controlled Fire Department in San Diego……$200k, $300k even $400k a year for fireman on overtime and then they retire based on THOSE salaries… Union racket

  5. Anyone remember the first Wu Flu stimulus when San Fran Nan slipped in $50,M for the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts? Remember how the KC then sent a donation to the Democrat Party for $5,M. Now, the Postal Employees Union has endorsed Sleazy Joe. Any bail-out of the Postal Service is likely to kick back to the commies at ten cents on the dollar. And any ballots mailed from Republican districts will all be for the Democrats.

    Look what happened in Commiefornia when they implemented Ballot Harvesting: Districts that had been Red for decades magically voted Democrat. There aren’t enough Karens out there to make that happen. Mail-In voting is just another form of Ballot Harvesting. If you don’t show up at the polls, a ballot will be submitted for you via the Postal Service, for their preferred candidate, and you will never know.

    Even FDR was against government employee unions.

  6. @L. Smith: You are correct. At one time in our city, a fire fighter was the highest paid city employee, making more than the City Manager, thanks to overtime. And of course, overtime leads to salary compression, so FD supervisors became the only city supervisors allowed to earn overtime. Police caught on to the scheme, and demanded the same benefit! Because…Heroes!

  7. AOC recommends all liberals get another liberal pen pal, and buy stamps. They just need 50 BILLION stamps to cover the costs.

    A+ for first expecting liberals to fix a crisis they created.

    F for inventing the crisis.

    F for the laughable solution.

  8. Where are all these extra people on overtime? Where? There are still long lines at the post office. And have you ever waited for them to go get your package from ‘the back’? LOL. Shit.

  9. A well known fact but also a dark secret with the Government is the post office is being run by the Prince Hall Black Masons, try and get a job there if you are not a member.


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