Only a Few Dozen People Show Up Outside Biden’s ‘Big Speech’ in Pittsburgh (VIDEO) – IOTW Report

Only a Few Dozen People Show Up Outside Biden’s ‘Big Speech’ in Pittsburgh (VIDEO)

GatewayPundit: This was awkward.

Joe Biden arrived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on Monday afternoon for a campaign event.

The 77-year-old brushed off reporters after he deplaned.

A few dozen people (including media) showed up for Biden’s ‘big speech’ on Monday.

29 Comments on Only a Few Dozen People Show Up Outside Biden’s ‘Big Speech’ in Pittsburgh (VIDEO)

  1. He made a Gaffe right on cue….

    Attempting to slam President Trump’s coronavirus response, Biden said “Covid has taken this year, just since the outbreak, has taken more than 100 years, look, here’s, the lives, it’s just, when you think about it. More lives this year than any other year for the past 100 years.”

  2. Joey is the biggest oxymoron of all, he’s a walking, talking self contradiction in everything he says and does. And this is the best the democraps have to offer. Just wait till he gets McGoverned on Nov. 3rd. Give it up joey you’re fighting a lost cause.

  3. @Bobcat

    Someone should pretend to be CNN & tell Joe online that he already won & he is president.

    It would be comedy Gold if he could be convinced to give his acceptance speech from his basement in September.

  4. If the Main Stream Dementiacrat Media wasn’t acting as the Ministry of Propaganda for this buffoon, Dementia Joe would already have been exposed as the biggest political fraud since Baracky Osmidgen. He was sold as the man who was going bring racial harmony to this country and lower the oceans while solving all those problems in the Middle East with the help of his Muslim Brotherhood friends. Obammy’s mindless puppet and their allies only have to keep this farce up for another 62 days to pull off another Crime of the Century.

  5. A sign of the times. The overweight lady in pink on the bike in the front, probably blocking other’s views of the wannabe president. Look at me!! I really don’t want to be fat, so I will show you all that I am trying!

  6. That demwit crowd could all fit in pervy Uncle Joey’s basement. Pathetic. His Deep State handlers can afford rent-a
    rioter/looter/killer, yet they don’t even bother to rent-a-crowd for their demwit Trojan Horse candidate.


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