Safety Mask – IOTW Report

Safety Mask

I’ll be humming this song each time I go to the stores until this madness ends. Watch

17 Comments on Safety Mask

  1. My county just recently reversed its mask requirement. And with it, goes the main enforcement tool for retailers and other businesses. “We don’t care, but the county requires it, so we must enforce it.” Not anymore.

    If you don’t like me not wearing a mask, stay six feet behind.

  2. Since I like Men Without Hats’ “Safety Dance” I thought this was well done.
    And neither will I comply. So far nobody has refused my business nor called the local constabulary.
    One citizen (at lowes) made it a point to walk done the isle I was browsing in so that, sans eye contact he walked by, pointed to his mask and said “mask”… I laughed.

  3. I did wear a mask in a place where they basically came out and said they’d been turned in on General Mills’ snitch line.
    I will not wear one otherwise.
    We spent this week in Sunday River and it has been a pleasure going to Sun. River Brewing and Savage Brothers General Store where even the employees are maskless.
    The Empress has extended her dictatorship through Oct 1 though. Just say no is my new motto.

  4. Lint and dust allergy here.
    Have to wear one at the grocery store and I sneeze and cough the whole time.

    Before, I tried to stop the cough or sneeze, now I just sneeze and say, “Fucking mask!!!” out loud. LOL.

  5. An e-mail sent to local county offices from the regional health department director was leaked today in my red state. I don’t how to post a screenshot, so just going to type it out.

    County Commissioners,

    Just to let you know over the next week, the OSDH website will be reporting an increase in the Covid numbers in most counties due to the report will be including “probable” Covid case numbers in addition to actual positive cases as confirmed by test results. This will increase local county Covid numbers overnight. However these cases may be cases which date back to March. However, since the increase will appear overnight and may cause your community some concern and questions for you, I just wanted you to be aware.

    Secondly, within the next few weeks, the methodology for calculating the positivity rate (this is of the number of Covid tests being conducted, how many are positive for Covid) is being changed. Soon Oklahoma will follow methodology supported by the majority of other states by the John Hopkins University of Medicine. This is so that equal comparisons can be made between the States. More information can be found at this website.

    Additional information will be coming out on these changes and a press release should occur next week, but I wanted to give you an advance notice.

    Please let me know if you have any questions, or need additional information.

    Maria A. Alexander, MHR, MEP
    Regional Director


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