Hunter Biden Holds Stake in Chinese Company Sanctioned for Human-Rights Abuses – IOTW Report

Hunter Biden Holds Stake in Chinese Company Sanctioned for Human-Rights Abuses


Hunter Biden holds a stake in a Chinese surveillance company that is under U.S. sanctions for human-rights violations, complicating his father Joe Biden’s campaign promise to crack down on American businesses with financial ties to China’s humanitarian abuses.

Bohai Harvest RST Shanghai Equity, an investment firm that Hunter Biden owns a stake in, initially invested in Megvii, a sanctioned Chinese tech company that specializes in facial recognition software, in 2017, according to the company’s website. The firm holds a nearly 2 percent stake in Megvii through two holding companies, according to a prospectus filed by Megvii as part of its application for a listing on the Hong Kong stock exchange last year.

Last year, the U.S. Department of Commerce added Megvii to its list of sanctioned entities that were “implicated in human-rights violations and abuses in the implementation of China’s campaign of repression, mass arbitrary detention, and high-technology surveillance against Uighurs, Kazakhs, and other members of Muslim minority groups.” more

6 Comments on Hunter Biden Holds Stake in Chinese Company Sanctioned for Human-Rights Abuses

  1. Another tacit admission that Lyndsey Graham does not have Trump’s back. Months ago he promised congressional hearings (which he is the chairman so could order at any time) into Hunter Biden/Burisma and daddy Biden’s unlawful meddling into the ongoing Ukrainian investigation. I was convinced that once the truth came out and the Bidens were exposed that there was no way Joe would survive…………silly me.

  2. “…Hunter Biden holds a stake in a Chinese surveillance company…Chinese surveillance and facial recognition companies play a key role in the government’s oppression of ethnic minorities…”

    And if elected, the Beijing Candidate will award his son’s firm a contract with the US government to implement surveillance of US citizens.


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