‘Angry salon customers’ form hand-holding circle outside Pelosi’s house to protest salon visit – IOTW Report

‘Angry salon customers’ form hand-holding circle outside Pelosi’s house to protest salon visit

WA Examiner: Demonstrators in San Francisco formed a hand-holding circle outside the residence of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to protest her recent visit to one of the city’s salons.

The protest, which took place on Thursday, was not composed of any salon owners, according to San Francisco Chronicle reporter Jessica Christian.

“They’ve all described themselves ‘angry salon customers’ who want to get their hair and nails done,” she wrote on Twitter. more

15 Comments on ‘Angry salon customers’ form hand-holding circle outside Pelosi’s house to protest salon visit

  1. better be careful because san fran nan WILL come after you for making her lose face publicly, she WILL get her thugs to DOXX you, she will put out a hit on you through her mafia connection, and she WILL most assuredly sic PantyFa on you, your family, and anyone who tries to protect you.

    She has a history of intimidation, threats, and arkenside cowinkiedinks throughout her long reign of terror stretching back to the east coast where she made her bones.

    Personally, I cannot wait until PantyFa turns on her just like they have on EVERY other useful idiot demoncrat politician that has helped and enabled them.

  2. Good, give Nancy a taste of her own medicine. They should be banging drums, pots and pans and use a bullhorn, just like the Left does. 😁

    I would like to add what I really think of this witch, but I have to keep my faith in mind. 🙏

  3. In her last breaths, that crazy bitch will crawl into Congress, glue herself to her seat and die in it. Pretty sure she left nothing to her family in the will. It’s probably going to some hitmen to take care of ‘the squad’. lol

  4. They refuse to let him talk because they refuse to believe the “peaceful protesters” are rioting. How could places like Minnesota request federal funds if everything was peaceful?

    open and click to home article for more details

    clearly shows their complete disconnect from the situation.

  5. While I appreciate, and applaud their protest being peaceful calling out Nancy’s privilege hypocrisy.

    I keep thinking, wouldn’t Nancy’s gal-pal Kamala think
    for a protest to qualify as being a real protest
    there should be a ring of fire round Nancy’s house? In place of just a hand-holding circle.

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