Voter anger is a poor substitute for voter enthusiasm – IOTW Report

Voter anger is a poor substitute for voter enthusiasm

Patriot Retort: Except for the news media, not many voters are all that excited at the prospect of a Joe Biden presidency. The lack of voter enthusiasm among traditionally Democrat voting blocs is hard to miss at this point.  And while bitter members of the ResistanceLOL might strut around bragging about a Blue Wave, they are hard-pressed to disguise how forced their bravado has become.

So what are the Democrats to do?

They can’t create out of thin air some semblance of voter enthusiasm for a man who barely clocks in at room temperature.

So instead, they’re opting for ginning up voter anger.

If you can’t get your voters excited, then get them really, really angry.

If you can’t fire them up, then rile them up.

Right now, voter anger is all they have to go with.  And they will keep going to that well hoping it never dries out.

But voter anger is a piss-poor substitute for voter enthusiasm. What’s more, rage is impossible to control. more

9 Comments on Voter anger is a poor substitute for voter enthusiasm

  1. Landslide like we’ve never seen before.
    This is president Trumps MO.
    Everything he accomplishes we’ve never seen before.
    50 state win?
    Never say never with this guy.

  2. Yes but Trump voters are enthusiastic about the future and angry about the lawlessness, corruption, and multiple attempts to subvert democracy & freedom.

    They have both.

  3. The problem for dems is this is year five of constant hit pieces and they have no shock value anymore. And I’m sure the Trump team has a few of their own planned attacks on Biden that will be factual.

  4. Yesterday a caravan of Trump “vendors” arrived in town at 12pm. {people waited in lines for as much as three hours) to buy Trump merchandise and flags, pins, buttons, shirts, yard signs and the like. Plenty of enthusiasm and even anti-Wolf (Governor) stuff available. Caused traffic bumps and slow downs everywhere for about 5 hours.

    A “Biden” crowd would have had to burn a flag, abort a baby, use drugs, grope some wimmin’ or blow up the Post office if it was for him.

  5. There’s one that will never be shown on the MSM. It was in the East (forget which state)and one of these rioters was setting police cars on fire. Problem was he also set himself on fire. He went up like a Christian on the Appian Way. The guy was a torch, and you could actually see the skin falling from his face and arms before he finally succumbed to the flames. The bottom line is; if he wouldn’t have been setting police cars on fire he wouldn’t have met the horrific end he met. The vid may still be available on vidmax.


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