Footage The Left-Wing Media Doesn’t Air – IOTW Report

Footage The Left-Wing Media Doesn’t Air

17 Comments on Footage The Left-Wing Media Doesn’t Air

  1. I hope every Goddamned one of them who can be identified is sued through the floor. I hope President Trump also signs an executive order denying them ANY access to student loans or federal grant funding, including food stamps. And most of all I hope that he cuts off federal funding to any college or university that has a single one of these bastards on the payroll.

  2. Destruction of personal property, assault, attempted murder, all can be met with deadly force. We have that right. And in every case Law Enforcement takes the side of the rioters, the mob, the anarchists. Why? Someone needs to ask the next moron chief of police that question that stands behind a podium giving a big bull shit speech. This is akin to Nazi Germany prison guards doing their jobs just to collect a paycheck. No difference.

    Edit, I some how get the feeling our police forces would thoroughly enjoy rolling up on scene and shooting a Patriot with his gun still in his hand. If shit ratchets up just a little bit more LE is going to find themselves on the Gxd Damn menu.

  3. Been a strange morning. More big fires in central California have caused our surrealistic constant orange haze to return. I’ve got ash dropping on my truck again, but of course Trumps full of crap about the mess our forests are in. Trump, again, is right on the money.
    A couple day ago someone nailed a big Biden banner to a bigger redwood fence on the entrance into our homes. I hope it was the fence owner who put up the banner because last night some one burned the fence to the ground.
    Apparently Labor day week end is when all the political yard signs go up. I did not get the memo. On my drive into the shop today Trump yard signs sprouted up on about every other residence. Very cool.
    Before I got to the shop I had to swing into the local grocery store for a few items. The first thing I see is some skinny ass bitch of a white male with a shirt in big letters that read “Fuck Trump”. When did it become socially acceptable to wear a shirt in public with obscenities written on it. Not so long ago a store manager would have asked that person to leave. A classless piece of shit who sparked a burning desire inside me to physically destroy him. It wouldn’t have been that tough, I could have hit him hard enough to kill his entire family tree. Then I had a sudden realization that 6 months, a year ago, I would have been pissed about some one destroying a political sign on private property. Not today. I also would have been ashamed at myself for thoughts of physically destroying an anorexic pussy of a man. All he had to do was say something stupid. Not our fault. The Libtards have been successful in establishing new Rules Of Engagement. Essentially there are no rules. And conservatives are catching on fast. I hope they enjoy the societal degradation they’ve caused because in the long run they’re the ones who are going to pay the price. I only hope after the smoke clears we have the presence of mind to hit the reset button and regain our civility.

    End of Rant

  4. My present anxiety level is so high right now I have to avoid watching these kinds of videos. They make me physically ill, almost vomit ill.

    I hope some of those BLM wannabes in the bunch are getting a big, shocking lesson. There have to be some kids in that crowd who are going to clean up their acts after witnessing the unleashed, blind rage and carnage being carried out by people who are clearly deranged.

  5. It seems conservatives are holding out for November 4 as a “let ‘er rip” day. I see wisdom in this: let the left remain the sole source of violence and destruction. It bodes well for Trump’s re-election and quite possibly for down-ticket candidates.

    We’ll see how it all shakes out. I’m convinced, however, no matter how the election turns out, the fighting will escalate sharply come November 4.

  6. It is very simple to me.

    These anti-american scumbag losers need to be shot for being the domestic terrorists that they are.

    If they live, then they can be arrested,(maybe) and prosecuted for their crimes, (even bigger maybe) and then do the time in jail after being convicted ( has not happened yet and probably never will).

    Once they get their “get out of jail free and clear card from soros” they should have their citizenship revoked and be instantly deported with the understanding that if they ever set foot inside CONUS again it will mean their death, period.

    It is either that or just begin the cleansing and kill them all… it has come to that point now and if the feds will not do it, the states will not do it, the cities will not do it, then it comes down to the citizens to choose what kind of country do we want to live in… do what is right and live free and on your feet or submit to the mob and live on your knees until the mob decides to kill you.

  7. flip

    In the spirit of not getting caught flat footed. There is a very real possibility that BLM/ANTIFA moves into the burbs soon in order to create voter suppression through intimidation. Plan for the worst and hope for the best.

  8. @JDHasty and BadBrad: How about just killing them all and none of what you proposed will have to be dealt with. That’s how I roll. Our hood is prepared, they don’t dare come here because they aren’t going to leave alive.

  9. Roof top defense is coming to a town near you.
    There will be blood and tears. I think many people have had enough of the mostly peaceful Communist revolution. They don’t seem to understand they haven’t taken the guns yet, but they are going to understand. I’m not looking forward to this and hope LE does it’s job before it goes off the rails.

  10. I keep thinking of Pleasure Island (Pinocchio), and waiting for the donkey ears and hooves to appear on these stoopid jackasses. They’re already halfway there, they have the braying down pat. (They’re not ignorant. Ignorance can be cured. Stoopid is forever) If President Trump ever comes out dressed like the Coachman, I will be ROFLOL for a week.

  11. (reference above)
    HINT: maybe someone could make a meme along these lines, with President Trump as the Coachman, and the rioters (nee “protestors”), with hooves and long ears, either pulling the coach, or in crates being loaded onto a cargo ship for……say……Venezuela.
    All a la Pinocchio.

  12. Here is the hope.
    President Trump has now given the Federal Marshall’s the power to deputize the state police and many of the states are doing it, it is working here in Seattle and Portland. The Mayors and Governor’s can not stop it, Or the DA,s. Federal charges Trump city and state charges.
    When Antifa and BLM is getting charged with federal charges they leave the city they are in and fan out across the country, he has to do it in all states.


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