Trump’s Secret Weapon? – IOTW Report

Trump’s Secret Weapon?

Read about the 14th Amendment and how it gives the president the power to protect America from enemies of the state.

Is the left an enemy of the state?

ht/ pogo

13 Comments on Trump’s Secret Weapon?

  1. PDT can only go after the ‘illegal insurrectionists’, & their enabler mayors & governors, if PDT declares them to be a designated threat

    … & he’s going to need a lot of backing by the DOJ
    ’cause this will be slapped down by a commie federal judge faster than you can say ‘Impeachment 2.0’

  2. We’re at war, and all is far.
    Do realize the left will do exactly what we are mulling here.

    Be careful of who you give power to: they may not give it back. I trust Trump to give it back.

  3. Honestly, I think the left is getting set up for a really big bust. The bolder they get, the sloppier they also get. Right after the election that Trump wins the hammer will come down on ANTIFA.

  4. If this comes to pass, just imagine how big this list would be.
    Governors, Mayors, Tech Giants, MSM Anchors, Senators, Representatives, Fauci, BLM, Antifa, Pharmaceutical companies……………


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