12-year-old suspended after teacher spots toy gun during virtual class – IOTW Report

12-year-old suspended after teacher spots toy gun during virtual class


A 12-year-old boy in Colorado got a five-day suspension for flashing a toy gun across his computer screen during an online art class, according to a report.

“It was really frightening and upsetting for me as a parent, especially as the parent of an African-American young man, especially given what’s going on in our country right now,” Curtis Elliott, Isaiah’s father, told KDVR.

He said his son, who has been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and has learning disabilities, wasn’t aware the gun was shown on screen in his distance learning.

“He was in tears when the cops came. He was just in tears. He was scared. We all were scared. I literally was scared for his life,” said Curtis Elliott.

“The virtual setting is not the same as the school setting,” the dad added. “He did not take the toy gun to school. He’s in the comfort of his own home. It’s a toy.”

The toy gun was neon green and black with an orange tip featuring the words on the handle: “Zombie Hunter.”


Ahhhh, she was offended by the gun because she is a zombie.

ht/ fdr in hell

18 Comments on 12-year-old suspended after teacher spots toy gun during virtual class

  1. I bet 3/4 of the guys on this site had a .22 and/or a .410 shotgun at his age and it was considered normal. Sick of these liberal assholes and the way they have now shaped this world.

  2. “He was in tears when the cops came. He was just in tears. He was scared. We all were scared. I literally was scared for his life,”

    And that is EXACTLY what the liberal left commie asswipes want.

    BTW, @ Chuckie—
    At the tender age of 11, my friend and I, (same age), took his father’s 20 gauge shotgun and went outside to obliterate a few birds….no adult supervision, no humans hurt, countless feathers drifting through the air, a sense of satisfaction on our faces and we returned to the 5th grade class….unscathed.

    Good times, good times indeed.

  3. Remember, these are the same radical Lefties who don’t want us to know what they are “teaching” our kids in their little online indoctrination sessions. Fact is, the whole online thing is very creepy. Talk about grooming kids on the internets.

  4. I wouldn’t blame the cops — again, they were just following the information they received.
    The fact is that the information came from an idiot/control freak/judgmental/intrusive teacher via their dispatcher.
    I am so glad my own children are grown, but I worry about my grandchildren and what they are being exposed to.

  5. Why would police not tell anyone who called in such a nonsense call tell them to get lost? Are they also participants in the training program to destroy common sense in children?

    Many teachers are past redemption as there have been numerous similar reports from different states over recent years where a child was suspended from school for drawing a picture of gun or observing a piece of pizza for lunch had the basic shape of a pistol. Good grief, get a grip on reality. The teacher needs the 5 day suspension from school, not the child.

  6. A picture of the REAL toy gun in question would be better than the rendition in the photo. I don’t see an orange tip/cap

    I have seen some nice competition guns that have that type of anodized finishes and if the gun looks real enough… (Beretta pro comp 12Ga.)

    However, if it looked like at toy from 100 miles away, had an orange plug in it, then the teacher & school need a serious talking to.

    Respectfully, people on this site seem to be quite smart, reasonable, and familiar with firearms. Modern citidiots don’t know the difference between a dog and a wild wolf. The “frame” looked real enough

  7. Science! Science! The indoctrinators must first be indoctrinated. There are 6 half day sessions in a school year-“School improvement”. Pretenders must steal imagination from the kids to fundamentally transform….toy guns cannot be allowed!
    To keep the local kids safe from the Covid, they let them out an hour early and attend in person 4 days a week. The Covid comes out at 3 pm and on Fridays. Science!


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